Epilogue: Five Years Later

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Epilogue: Five Years Later

Helena's POV

"Mooooooooooooom! Zoe's being mean!" Urban came running up to me

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"She won't let me play with Maxwell" he answered pointing to his twin sister out on the beach running around with our new puppy

"Zoe come over here please!" I called and she came running up, the puppy trailing close behind "Zoe are you being mean to your brother?" I gave her a stern look

"No, he's being a baby cuz Max likes me more" she replied with her hands on her hips instantly reminding me of my sister

"Why don't you all play together let Max get a chance to know Urban as well"

"Fine, come on" she rolled her eyes and ran back to the beach I shook my head and walked out to the deck where Andy was sitting.

"She takes after you ya know" he said with a smile

"Oh hush" I picked Cleo up out of his lap and took her spot and placed her on my own lap and watched the kids play.

I found out I was pregnant 2 months after the wedding. The pregnancy was rough, carrying twins with my tiny frame but it was fully worth it and they were perfect. As soon as I found out it would be a girl and a boy I knew my daughter had to be named Zoe after my sister, Andy agreed without hesitation. I let him pick our sons name and he chose Urban after his grandfather. Even though they were twins Zoe was a more mature and already had an attitude, she knew what she wanted and didn't take no easily. Urban was so sweet and gentle he was a little shy but had a huge heart. There was a time when I believed I couldn't love another person as much as I loved Andy, which changed the day they were born; they had my dark hair and his blue eyes.

 Andy and the band still toured and made music and the kids loved going to his shows. Ashley and Bryn had gotten engaged a few months ago and I figured CC and Lauren weren't far behind. Jinxx and Sammi had a little girl, Meagan, who looked so much like Sammi it was creepy, she was also determined to be a guitarist just like her daddy. I gave the kids lessons regularly on piano and guitar, but Zoe loved to sing. Andy had high hopes that Zoe, Urban, Meagan, and CC and Ash's kids, which he had already decided were coming soon, would all start a band together. All I wanted was for them to be happy.

The crazy and messy past was long behind us and things couldn't be more perfect for all of us, it seemed things had finally settled and we were all a huge family with bonds that nothing could break.

I know this little chapter was really short but I just wanted to end it with a happy look into the future of all the characters. Writing this story has been awesome and went way further than I thought it would. I started this assuming I would stop after a couple chapters and no one would like it but I was so wrong. To every person who read this I want to thank you and say I hope you join me in my next story which will be another fanfic this time about Pierce The Veil, I've had this new story in mind for a while so I'm super excited to share it with you. I hope everyone who enjoyed this story will stick around for the next one! Thanks again and I love you all <3

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