"Ruby you dirty girl!", Emma said laughing lightly.

"I don't know what you're talking about", Ruby said all shaky in her voice.

"Org, come on Rubes, I know you like her!"

"Shut up!", Ruby hissed and turned to see Mulan sitting at a booth talking with Robin and Roland. Emma smirked and looked at the waitress.

"Say what you want, I know you like her. See ya later rubes", Emma yelled and walked out of the diner.
Regina sat in the kitchen at the island as she had decided to take a little drink, when she suddenly heard a bang and turned towards the door. Curiosity got the best of her and she walked out of the kitchen and saw a huge package on the dining table with a white card.


The brunette stepped closer and turned the white card and read the text.

Your smell smells like home

Regina immediately softened as she read the card. She didn't know what to feel. Happy, sad, warned. She knew this was someone who probably had a little crush on her, but she also knew that it could be something dangerous as well. She could know if this was someone really obsessed, that if it came to the decision, they couldn't take no for an answer. She was brought from her thoughts as she heard the door open and Henry walked in.

"Hey mom, what are you-", Henry stopped mid sentence as he saw his mother standing with a white card that belonged to another present.

"You got a present more?"

"Apparently so"

Henry walked up to the table and sat.

"Well open it?"

Regina eyes her son and eventually sat beside him. She carefully opened the gift and when she finally saw the gift, she froze. A box with a clear the image of Lady Million.

"A perfume?", Henry asked in disbelief. Regina noticed the disappointment in her sons question and furrowed her eyebrows.


"I just thought it would be something exiting"

"Exiting? Like what?"

"I don't know", he said and shrugged his shoulders. Regina smiled and looked at the box.

I love this perfume
That evening, Regina and Henry decided to eat dinner at Granny's. As usual, they walked in and sat at a booth. As they looked at the menu, Regina could feel her sons eyes on her, and she looked over the menu card to see Henry staring at her with curious eyes.

"What it is Henry?", she asked laying the menu card down, giving her son her full attention. She could see the hesitation in her son and assured him quickly.

"Henry you know you can ask me about anything"

Henry nodded and looked down.

"What is it sweetheart?"

"It's nothing. It can wait till we get home"

Regina nodded, not wanting to discomfort her son. She called Ruby over and ordered. As she ordered she could see the red cheeks on the waitress and eyed her curiously.

"Is everything alright miss Lucas? You look flustered"

"Hhmm? Oh I'm fine Regina. Just a rough day", she said and walked away giving their orders to Granny. Regina's eyes followed Ruby as the waitress walked to the counter. Soon they got their order and the family sat and ate in comfortable silence. After a moment, Henry couldn't take it any longer and bursted out.

"Do you like ma?"

Regina almost spit out the coffee as she heard the question and gently laid the cup back on the table before it want in the cup anymore.


"You heard me. Do you like ma?"

Regina looked at her son and suddenly thought about Emma.

*Right to the point, just like her*

"Emma is a very good friend. She's been... Changing. On the good way"

Henry sighed and accepted the answer for now. He knew that if he wanted an answer for his question, he needed more evidence to use against his mother. Regina let out a breath in relief she didn't knew she was holding and suddenly heard the door bell ring. She turned and saw Mulan walking in and sitting at the counter. She suddenly noticed Ruby's smile and instantly knew.

Emma sat in her kitchen drinking a cup of coffee while she was texting Ruby.

I know you're worried, but I really think she likes you

Emma waited a couple of minutes and finally got an answer.

She smiled at me!! :D

Emma laughed and replayed her friend.

Typical you. Everybody smiles xD

The answer came almost instantly.

Yes, but not like she did! She smiled at me AND we kept eye contact for whole 7 secs!!!! O.O

Emma shook her head playfully.

Wow! Huge xO

The next answer took a little longer. Emma imagined Granny yell at Ruby to stop boring her eyes into her phone and start boring her eyes into costumes and their orders instead.

Thanks for the support savior! :(

Emma felt bad and wrote back.

Sorry. You know I love to tease you with it. It's cute, I've never seen you so red! xD

Emma didn't get answer but after about three seconds, she got a call and immediately saw Ruby's name pop up.

"Hey lovebird"

"Cut it out! I need your help"

"What for?"

Ruby groaned.

"To make Mulan like me"

Emma snorted.

"Rubes, I think it's pretty obvious that she likes you. Just go for it. Never waste your time on waiting. You like her, go for it. Don't hold up", Emma assured and took a drink if her coffee.

"Oh, just like you do with Regina?"

Emma spit out her coffee all over her dining table and coughs. Ruby heads the cough and laughed.

"You know what Emma, I don't think I'm the only lovebird here"

Emma groaned and replied.

"Just go talk to her", she said and hung up. She groaned once more as she saw all the coffee on her table and her clothes.


After she had dried it all up, she walked up stairs and inside her guest room. She walked to the back wall of the room and pressed a little button behind a vase. The wall moved to the side, and a little room came into view. The blonde smiled as she walked to her Christmas wall. A advent calendar was hanging in the wall with the numbers from 1 to 24, each number, having a present on the floor under the number, present number 1 and 2 already gone. She went down on squatting and took the third present in her hands. She smiled as she took the card into her hands and read it.

For Henry

Merry Christmas (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now