...Chapter 2- The One

Start from the beginning

"Hey"Niall awkwardly said.."Oh Ari could you buy me a drink"she said..

"Buy on your own no need to order me"I sassed and she rolled her eyes..and walked away.."Lets go  before she co--"I was chtted off when I heard a loud noise..

"Ari lets go!"Niall commanded and grabbed my wrist and pulled me where he is running to.."Niall whats happening"I asked..

"Ambush"he said..and pulled my hand again..we were running but then.. I fell down..cracks of glass in my feet.."Niall I cant stand"I said..and he immediately carried.. Me bridal style..until we found a safe place.."stay here I'll find something to cover your wound and I nod..and be walked away


Its starting

"Really,I already knew"

Dont sass me


I immediately found a first aid kit..and grabbed it..and went back to Ariana before..someone kidnaps her..


I was waiting for Niall but then everything went black..


Where am I,I cant see a thing.. Whats happening..am I dead..



As I arrived.. Ari was gone..she was kidnapped..

"Where is she"

Its on your own to find out

"Can I use my powers"

Take a guess

I tried to use my powers.. To find out where Ari is..I cant see her only the building.. Wait I know where it is..


I drove off to where it was and I arrived..I used.. My powers again..and looked at the place in my mind.. And it was correct..

I was looking around the place.. Trying to find the entrace.. But I didnt.. I tried.. To use.. My powers to find the way.. It showed me a secret passage..I tried..to find..and vine formed door..and pushed my hands against it.. And my hand went through..I let my hand form to a circle to find out how bug is the hole..Its small so I have to crawl..I crawles to the little whole..and stood uo when it is okay to stand..I roamed around the hall to find where Ari..is..I opened each door to find where she is... But when I opened a door it revealed..the kidnappers.. He saw me..and went up to me and punched..me..but I dodged it..one of his mate..passes through and went away..somewhere..I punched the guy hard..and he fell down..I held the side of his shirt..

"Where is she!?""I wont tell you"

"Okay"I formed my hand into a fist and was about to hit him.. But he surrendered. "Last door on the second floor black door"he said and I let go of him.. I walked but then a guy appeared..and he punched me..I puncjed back..he had a knife so I tried to take it from him.. And put him against the wall and punched his arm..until he let go of the knife.. And I punched him until he blacked out..


"Boss theres a intruder"A guy said..I think its Niall.."Well go and get him"Another guy said.. I think is the boss..


Im half way across.. And heared huys talking at the end of the hall.."Boss theres a intruder"A guy said.."Well go and get him"the said..the guy saw me...

"Boss hes here"he said"and the boss showed up..with Ariana.."Niall!"Ariana murmered..

"Dont worry i:ll save you"I said

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~Rae Marie

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