"Okay," I shrug taking a drink from my glass of water.

"Don't 'Okay' me," he says before rushing over furiously and grabbing the glass of water from my hand and throwing it on the floor angrily. I furrow my eyebrows as the glass shatters into a million pieces. "If you want to get anywhere with your life you need to be much more responsible! I'm not going to keep giving you money and cutting you slack just so you can run around and do whatever the hell you want!"

"The energy in here is all off."

We all look up to see my mother standing in the doorway holding about a million grocery bags. Me, being the gentlemann I was raised to be, I immidiately walk over and take some of the bags from my mom as Liam does the same. We set them on the counter and walk past my frowning father and over to my mother.

"Boys!" My mom squeals thowing her arms around Liam and I.

"Mom!" Liam and I both say chuckling. I'm not sure when Liam started calling her mom too but we've been friends for so long that I don't think it even matters.

I will admit that I am a little bit of a momma's boy.

She gives up both a peck on the cheek before pulling away. Dad walks over and the frown is wiped away from his face and is replaced with a smile. He leans over and gives my mom a kiss on the nnose and she lets out a small giggle.

Ugh, they're always acting like a couple of love sick teenagers.

"I missed you," dad says. Mom is about to respond but her expression changes when her eyes drift over to the shattered glass scattered everywhere.

"What happened to my glass!?" She shrieks pushing pass my father. My mom's territory has always been the kitchen, andn you knnow you're in trouble when you break something and she finds out. My dad could probably buy all of the kitchenn shit in the world but my mom just hates for things to get wasted.

"It was dad this time," I say crossing my arms over my chest and smirking at him as he glares back. "He got mad at me and chucked it."

She looks at him and immidiately makes a move to slap him on the back of his head.

"We'll talk about this later," she says huffing before turning towards me. "I want to meet your room mate this weekend. Invite him to dinner."

Okay so I might've forgotten to mention to her that the he they think is my room mate isn't actually a guy...

"Why?" I whine. Her and I have already had this argument about how I don't want to force my room mate to sit through an awkward dinner with my parents.

"Because I said so," she says raising her eyebrows at me. Wow, the sass is real today. "What's your room mate's name anyways?"

"Ab-" I start to say before stopping myself when I almost blurt out Abby's name.

The Girl Who Stutters and The Boy Who MuttersWhere stories live. Discover now