Chapter 21

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The walls were a flurry of bright colours; pinks,greens, yellows and blues. I gasped in delight as I moved down the long corridor carefully touching each picture .

From there Noah opened the main room and a bunch of doors were all leading down around 10 each side. Noah explained in each room there was an office belonging to an artist. He took me to one dedicated to his mum and dad....

The walls were covered with pictures of there art and actual framed pictures, 3D and 2d. In the middle of the room lay a thin metal stand on top a frame covered by small velvet red curtains..

Noah pulled a string which opened them to reveal a picture of his mum and dad just before they'd passed away.

Noah's mum had waist length curly brown hair (I wonder where Bella gets it from?) bright brown eyes and thin lips. Noah's dad was a muscular build , his neck toned with short shaved blonde hair tight to his head.

Noah looked at them and sighed, he quickly shut the curtain and ushered me on 'this must be so hard for him' I thought

Anyway, we carried on to find the café where we had our first meal together was busy as anything! Brightly lit with jazz music playing in the background. I started tapping my feet and Noah spun me round as we both laughed.

We sat down at a booth and ordered, of course we both had spaghetti

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