Chapter Twenty-Six: The Good Men Fall

Start from the beginning

“I know,” I said. “The last time I went to Egypt…I got in trouble with the law.”

“Holy gods,” she muttered. “What had you done to receive thirty lashes?”

“I had been with my…with a…with a girl—er, she was just my—we weren’t…er…” I began to stammer, and I cursed my tongue of wood. “Well, I had been with a girl and we were running after a dog. She tripped over the dog and I tripped over her. However, to the Egyptian police, it looked like an attack. I was sent to prison and received thirty lashes.”

Aquilina hugged me a little tighter. “How did you get out?” she inquired.

“A little help from Cleopatra,” I laughed.

“Oh, Alexander,” she muttered.

“I’m a trouble maker. What can I say?” I joked.

“I am so sorry,” whispered Aquilina. She rubbed my back gently, to lament for being whipped.

“Aquilina, it’s no big deal. The gods spared me. If I have to have scars for the rest of my life, then so be it. At least I’m here.” I pulled away slightly and lifted her chin. “With you.”

Aquilina looked at me wide eyed, but she smiled a gentle smile. “We thank the gods for today, then.” We pulled away from each other, grabbed our goblets, and raised them.

“To the gods!” I exclaimed.

“To the gods!” Aquilina mimicked. We clinked our glasses together and drank.

To the gods who took me away from Selene, I thought bitterly, but to the very gods who brought me to Aquilina.

I put my goblet down, and the moment Aquilina put hers down I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. Her lips aren’t as soft as Selene’s, I thought, but they were sweet. When I pulled away, Aquilina was blushing, the corners of her mouth turning upward. I took her by the hand and I led her to the courtyard, which had turned into her favorite place in my house.

“Aquilina, you are such a sweet, beautiful woman,” I proclaimed, and she sat down on the bench. She had planted flowers in the courtyard—beautiful irises and roses, definitely making the place look much nicer.

“And you are a kind, smart, handsome man,” she smiled. I sat down on the bench next to her and she leaned her head against my shoulder.

There was something nice about our romance. There…there was no…guilt. I wasn’t betraying anyone by liking her. And Selene? There was no way I’d ever see her again. My business in Egypt was through. I bet she was already married to someone so much more suitable now. And maybe she’d already had a child. I smiled at the thought of Selene being happy now. I certainly was, despite the feuds between Mark Antony and Octavian. Antony had been right though. I had risked her life and mine—the scars were proof—so liking Aquilina was nice. She was able to take my mind off of the negative things in my life. Since Selene had probably continued on with her life, it was only right that I had too.

“Aquilina, I loved going to the theater with you today. To see your face light up like that made me so happy.”

Aquilina looked at me and kissed my cheek. I turned and I kissed her gently. She pushed her lips a little harder on mine, and she put her arms around my neck. I smiled but kissed her back.

When we pulled away, we were both smiling. We were so content with each other right now. Our company was all we needed. And I think Aquilina was what I needed to get through each day, especially now when politics were rough.

“So we’re going to go watch Dyskolos?” Aquilina asked, somewhat randomly.

“Yes, we are,” I replied. “You and I, together.”

Aquilina laughed. “I don’t think I’d want it any other way.” However, to me, it didn’t seem satisfying anymore to just be...

“Aquilina, I… We’ve been together a while now.” I stopped, stood, and pulled her up with me.

“Yes?” she prodded.

“And…and I… I think that…” I was so frustrated right now. “Ugh, why, whenever I’m around you, I can’t talk to save my life?!”

She got on her toes and kissed me. When she pulled away and smiled a sly smile.

“That either’s going to help me or kill my words,” I laughed. “Anyways, Aquilina, I really like you. And…let’s face it, we’re not getting any younger.”

“What are you…?” Aquilina’s voice faltered. The smile on her face began to grow and her eyes sparkled like the stars.

“Aquilina,” I said again. I took her hands in mine. “Will you m”—


There was a sharp rapping on my door, and that jolted me. I was angry at the gods at the moment for sending the interruption at what could have been the most important moment in my life, but I took Aquilina’s hand in mine and we intertwined fingers. We went over to the door where whoever was there was knocking like mad. I opened the door and my jaw dropped. It was Antony.

“Antony, wha…what are you doing here?” I asked. Antony looked me up and down, and then at Aquilina.

“Gods I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything,” he said, wide eyed.

“NO! No, no, no, we were just talking and enjoying some wine. Come in, please.”

“Thank you, Alexander,” Antony said, his voice frantic and worried.

“What’s going on?” I asked, shutting the door. Antony looked like he was about to cry, literally. I placed a hand on his shoulder.

“I need you to go to Egypt with me,” he commanded. I frowned.

“What? Why?” The last time I had been there was four years ago.

“It’s Cleopatra,” said Antony, shaking his head. I gasped.

“Is she sick?” I demanded. “Gods, not now.”

Antony shook his head. “It’s not that.” He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

“Then what is it?”

Aquilina squeezed my hand in hers, reminding me that whatever it was, we would be okay in the end.

“Cleopatra is pregnant,” Antony said.

I was confused. “Wh…what’s wrong with that?”

“She’s pregnant, Alexander."

I still didn't understand.

Antony ran his fingers through his hair, like he always did when he was stressed. "With my child."

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