"What happened?" Alfie asks me. I just shrug. I never know anything that's going on when it comes to Justin.

Leonardo and I soon went off into our own world again as we sat on the couch talking, we told each other about our past. He was the only child, his parents got divorced when he was little. His mom raised him alone, but he was still close to his dad.

I told him about my past. Which I haven't spoken about in awhile—not even to Justin. Whenever I do normally start to tell him I burst out in tears, he makes me stop due to seeing me in pain. But Leonardo sits there, hugging me while I tell him, giving me tissues. He knew that I had to let it out. It was really nice to. We sat on the floor behind some objects so no one can see me, and I'm glad we did. I didn't want everyone to see me in this terrible state. It was nice to talk to Leonardo. He was so comforting. Plus Justin and Zac went somewhere since they left so we had nothing else to do, except talk about ourselves.

We finally got up from where we was sitting and went back to where the group was. When we reached the area, everyone was gone. I look over to Leonardo, who was already reading a note left behind from them. I went over to him and read the note:

Gone out for the deal. Justin said for you and Selena to stay behind. Stay safe.
- Alf.

"Oh," I say. "What now?" Leonardo just shrugs.

"Should we go out and eat?" he recommends. I nod.

. . .

Leonardo pulls into the parking lot for the restaurant. It was giving five-star rating when Leo looked online for restaurants near us. We both exit the car, making our way to the restaurant. As we enter, the scent of the food automatically fills my nostrils. The restaurant was well designed, paintings on the ceilings. We went to the front desk. Leo orders a table for two. The girl behind the desk leads us to the table, giving us menus as she scurries away to serve another customer. "Don't order anything yet, I need to go to the toilet," Leo says as he gets up, walking away after. I settle the menu down so I wouldn't get ahead of myself. My phone began to buzz—my phones on silent. It was Nick, he was calling. Anxiety erupts inside of me as I begin to panic. I pick up my phone, my hands shaking. I answer.

"Hello?" I clear my throat afterwards as it was too obvious that my voice was shaky.

"Hey." He says over the line quietly.

"Nick? One second," I say getting up from my seat to walk over to a quiet place to hear him better. "Yeah?"

"I was just checking to see if your alright. Sorry, if I was interrupting something."

"Don't worry, you wasn't," I say.

"So, why does it seem like you was in a busy place?"

"Oh, because I was having a meal with a friend."

"Okay . . . so I was interrupting something." he chuckles. I nervously chuckle back.

"No you wasn't. He was somewhere else before so it's okay."

"Who's the friend?" he asks suddenly and bluntly.

"What?" I nervously chuckle again, confused.

"The friend," he says. "who's is he?"

"A mutual friend. I only met him today. Why?" I ask, but he just goes deadly quiet.

"Where's your other friend?"

"Wh-what?" I say, swallowing a lump in my throat.

"Your ex." He says, "I saw him and you leave, together, when you told me you wasn't staying at my place anymore. I mean, there isn't a problem . . . but," he chuckles, "if you ask me, you solved that big drama way too fast."

"Thanks, for being concerned. It was just a big misunderstanding," I mumble.

"Yeah . . . whatever," he mumbles back. "Just tell Justin I said hi," he said loud so I wouldn't misunderstand him. He hung up the phone. I gasp for air but I wasn't receiving none. I bent over and took deep breaths until my lungs accepted oxygen. I lift my shaky hands to see my phone. I rang Justin but no answer. I repeated, and repeated. No answer.

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