The First Night at Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

Yes, I'm scared that if Draco and I are separated his father will not be happy with me. So I'm hoping Slytherin. Olivia revealed. In all honestly, the Slytherin house seemed too harsh for her, but so was Lucius.Harry seemed to be ready to reply, but the Professor entered again.

"Move along now," said a sharp voice. "The Sorting Ceremony's about to start." Professor McGonagall announced. The new students filed through the doors, meandering through the halls.

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted," she said. They entered the great hall, the student body already mostly seated. The names were called in no particular order, and soon it was Draco's announced.

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat called as soon as it brushed Draco's greased-back blonde hair. He smiled and made his way to the green decorated table, where many of his father's friends' children welcomed him.

Next of her friends called up was Hermione, in which there was a long and drawn out moment of silence before the hat sorted her into Gryffindor. Olivia could see Draco snicker and make a remark from where she stood.

Next would be me, Harry called a split second before his name was called. The two shared an identical smile before Harry gulped and sat on the wooden stool. Ron's detailed opinion on Slytherin bounced around in his head as the hat tackled his wild hair.

Hmm, difficult. VERY difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There's talent, oh yes. And a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?  The sorting hat broke into Harry's head, and Olivia jumped when she found she could hear it too.

Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin. Harry's thoughts chanted. Olivia tried not to be saddened by having her friend want to be as far from her almost-brother as possible. Though after earlier, maybe it was expected.

Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It's all here in your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No? The sorting hat tried, and Olivia rooted it on while trying hard to keep her thoughts quiet.

Please, please. Anything but Slytherin, anything but Slytherin. Harry responded, and Olivia sighed and the hat gave in.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The magical hat called. Harry climbed down and sat next to Hermione and the ginger boy he was talking to earlier. While others were being called, Olivia reached out to him.

Harry, will you hate me if I'm in Slytherin? Olivia asked the boy who met her green eyes with his own.

As long as you're not as bad as some of them. Harry said, but Olivia still felt she could lose him from it. She looked over to see piercing grey eyes staring at her, encouraging her. To do what, she didn't know.

"Olivia Gaunt," McGonagall called out, Olivia sighed as she abandoned the other two first years left and went to the wooden stool.

Another Potter, then. Now why are you here under a different name..? The hat's voice swam through her thoughts.

What do you mean, another Potter? My name is Olivia Merope Gaunt, as it always has been. Olivia countered, but even as she thought it it didn't feel right. Harry, are you hearing this? She thought out, hoping the boy who lived may have more info. Maybe the hat was talking about Harry being in her mind is all.

Why am I here? Why can I hear this? Harry questioned the other two.

That's a secret for another day, children. Now let's see what house you'll be going into... The hat tried to steer everyone back on track, picking through Olivia's mind.

No preference, that's always good. Now you've been through a lot, I can see, the hat seemed to skip over certain memories, and Olivia sighed in relief. She didn't want to see them either, really.

Hufflepuff wouldn't do anything for you, nor Ravenclaw. Slytherin is far too goal-oriented for you, and you have shown quite the bravery... As soon as the hat shot down Slytherin her mind started to panic.

Are you sure? I'm very goal oriented, look, Olivia scourged through her mind, trying to find anything to get her into Slytherin. Lucius wouldn't like her in any other house, especially Gryffindor.

Maybe surrounded by bravery and true friends would do you good. The hat sounded sure at this point, while Olivia frantically searched for anything to keep her safe back at her own house.

No, please, you don't understand, Olivia tried but even she knew it was hopeless. Maybe the sorting hat was right, being surrounded by bravery could psych her up.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat called. The process seemed too drain Olivia, but to everyone else it flashed by. Her face paled as she made eye contact with Draco. His expression showed slight hurt, like she had stood up there and yelled Gryffindor herself. Harry and Hermione welcomed her though, looking far more excited about it than Olivia was.

"Ron, this is Olivia Gaunt. Olivia, this is Ron Weasley." Hermione introduced the ginger her and Harry had been talking with. He half-smiled at her, but she just groaned and held her face in her hands. Harry just had to go and befriend a Weasley. Oh Draco was going to flip.

"What's up with her?" Ron may have tried tone discreet, but Olivia heard him and sat back up.

"Sorry, sorry. Everything is just going topsy-turvey today," she showed a weary smile, which the other three snickered at.

Dumbledore said his little speech as the end of the sorting, and soon all the children were feasting. Well, Ron pigged out on the food while Hermione rolled her eyes at his poor manners. Harry laughed at him, but in reality ate very little. He was scared his stomach wouldn't hold any of it. Olivia ate more than Harry, but just barely. Narcissa always insisted she looked her best, which meant eating just enough to survive.

The prefects of Gryffindor showed the first years to the common room and the dorms. The common room they all took a liking to almost immediately- it was cozy and just felt right. But it was getting late, so Hermione and Olivia decided it was time for the four to get to bed. The girls headed up one staircase and the boys the other.

In the dorm room, there were six or so queen-size canopy beds draped in red curtains that could be closed and opened. Wardrobes were to the left side of each bed, and short dressers at the foot of each bed for school items and such. The girl's trunks had already been lugged up, so Hermione and Olivia chose the two beds closest to the door and unpacked. Olivia made sure to let Czar out of his cage and let him get to know each of the girls staying with them. She laid out his food and water before getting ready for bed and crashing on to the blood red bed with a sigh.


EDIT 8/10/18: Just fixing some spelling and continuity errors (also laughing at my old authors note bc this book was ages ago).


Sorry guys I've got finals and a S/O and everything's hectic. Updates will be more consistent around Christmas, so there's the good news!

Hope you enjoyed!

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