Boromir sticks his head out to look and an arrow sticks itself just near his head. Ada drops his torch and helps Boromir hold the door.

"Get back! You stay close to Gandalf!" ada commands the hobbits.

The hobbits move near Gandalf and unsheathe their weapons. We then hear a loud growl of some sort.

"They have a cave troll." Boromir shouts to us.

Thanks Boromir for stating the obvious and scaring the hobbits. Why is everyone stating the obvious a lot.

The three, Boromir, Legolas and ada grab anything they can to barricade the door. Gandalf throws his hat on the ground somewhere and pulls out his sword whilst Gimli jumps on top of the tomb of Balin.

"Argh! Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!" Gimli says loudly.

Legolas, ada and Boromir stand back and get weapons ready. Leggy and ada pull out our bows and notch arrows in. I call my weapons, again feeling a weight on my back and whip out my twin swords. I electrify them as lightning begin to swirl closely around my body. It then begins to snake around my arms and it transfers to my twin swords. Now I look like some Christmas tree with fairy lights coiling around me, except these fairy lights are dangerous when you touch me, you can die with one touch.

Orcs begin ramming through the badly barricaded door and Leggy shoots one and continues, as does ada. Then more orcs come swarming in. Gandalf shouts and charges into battle, the hobbits following closely behind with weapons up.

I run towards them, slashing through and electrocuting them. I laugh at some who touched me or got close to me as the lightning snaking around my body is like an electric armour that can cause damage.

Stupid Orcs!

We all hear a loud crash to see a giant cave troll come through.

Well he looks dumb!

Legolas shoots the cave troll in the shoulder and the beast growls as it claps a hand to the wound. Sam continues to stare, frozen, as the troll swings his mace down at the Hobbit. Sam dives under the troll's legs and crawls away as the troll turns, and sights him again. Sam is now cornered and I need to help him.

As the beast raises his arm to strike, he falls back. Ada and Boromir are behind the troll, pulling on its chains. The troll twists its arm and whips Boromir across the room. He lands in a recess of the wall, dazed. Well it looks like I am supposed to help ada instead.

But then I see an orc about to strike Boromir while he is still on the ground so I sheathed my twin swords and formed electric balls and through them at the orc. Hitting my mark, the orc shook violently for a bit and fell to the ground, dead. Boromir nods his head to me and I nod back. I go and form more electric balls and throw them at orcs. I could sense an orc coming behind me so I formed a fist and lightning covered it. I turned around and punched the orc in the face, causing its head to fly off its body and make a hole in the wall.

I think I punched a little too hard. I thought as all the orcs backed away from me after seeing my small display.

Standing upon the tomb of Balin, Gimli slings an axe, piercing the troll's shoulder. The troll swings his mace into the tomb, shattering it and knocking the Gimli off.

Merry and Pippin push Frodo behind a pillar. Gimli hacks at an Orc as the troll swings its mace at him. Gimli ducks, and the monster strikes a goblin instead, and then another.

Wow this troll doesn't know who his enemy is, how stupid can they get? Did he hit his head as a baby troll? Wait, are there even any baby trolls? How are these trolls made? I thought as I brought out my twin swords again and decapitated 5 orcs at once.

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