Chapter 6

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"Well, can someone tell me why there is a woman in this council, this is no place for women like you." Evil man says, quite rudely too.

"Well Boromir, she is my granddaughter so I think you should show some respect" Grandfather responds.

"It matters not! She is still a woman, more like a girl, and she has no place here" Evil man says, getting angry.

"You should not underestimate my daughter Boromir" father remarked.

"Oh, so she is your daughter hey? Heir of Isildur?" Boromir challenges.

"Yes she is my daughter and I think you should now back away and accept that she is going"

"Why doesn't she talk, she can say it for herself, she has a mouth and tongue, so why don't you use it, daughter of Aragorn."

"Well my father was right, you really underestimate me Boromir, son of Denethor, you should really keep your mouth shut." I say, smirking.

"Oh really now, I bet you can't even wield any weapons" he tempted.

Oh this man is really getting on my nerves. He's gonna get it now.

"Well then, if you're so sure of yourself, let's go down to the training grounds right now" I challenge.

Everyone goes down to the training grounds and I ready myself next to my bro Leggy and my father.

"So, ada, Leggy, powers or no powers?" I ask them.

"How about no powers, just use your twin swords" Leggy says to me.

I give them a nod and go to the middle in front of Boromir.

"Alrighty then. Let's begin" I say to him.

"I will go easy on you girl, if you just say so."

I can hear Gandalf, Grandfather, ada and Leggy laughing in the background and I can't help but smirk at him.

"We'll just have to see then."

We circle each other for a while and then he makes a move. He runs towards me at a horrible speed with his sword up.

This is going to be so easy I thought.

In one quick motion, I take out my twin swords from my sheath behind me and bring it down on Boromir. His sword gets stuck in the middle of my twin swords as it has formed an 'x' shape. With one quick spin, I disarm him, which makes him lose balance from my speed and power and he falls on his knees with my twin swords at his neck. I look down at him, smirking.

"So, do you still underestimate me?"

"I wasn't ready. I wasn't gripping my sword tightly. Let's go again." He responded, clearly he thinks he didn't win. What a stubborn dude.

For the next 20 minutes, he kept asking for rematches as I quickly disarm him in minutes, almost seconds.

"Well I think I should end this now" I mutter to myself. In one swift movement, I sheath my twin swords behind my back and they disappear. I stand in my spot and open my hand. Concentrating, I can hear his footsteps coming closer. When he is a meter away from me, I clench my hand and electric sparks cover my balled up fist. I duck under his swing and punch him in the stomach. The sparks on my fist travels to Boromir with resulted with him knocked unconscious on the ground. The sparks went out and I made sure to not put so much power in my electric punch because if I put any more power in it, he would definitely die. We wouldn't want that, now would we. Gimli and the hobbits looked at me in awe and shock as I have powers.

"Did you see that?!?!" whispered one of the hobbits.

"Yeah, I did, her hand was covered in sparks" whispered the other.

"And did you see her eyes? They changed colour to an electrifying blue colour." Whispered the other again.

"That is because when I use my powers dear Merry and Pippin, my eyes change colour depending on what power I use."

Both hobbits go red, embarrassed that I heard them.

"Well now, let's go eat dinner because I am starved" I chirped.

"Well you would be after a battle, everyone should go wash up now, then we will meet in the dining hall." Grandfather says.

"Let's hope Boromir would wake up by then" Ada directs towards me.

I raise my hands in surrender "He wasn't giving up so I had to do something"

He just shook his head at me and gestured for me to go up to my room.

The Return (Sequel to The Beginning)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant