Chapter 7

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"Hey. Estella?"

"Yes Pippin?"

"How do you have powers?" He asks. This caught the attention of everyone in the dining hall.

"Well it looks like story time from me" I mumble.

"Yes, Estella, why don't you share your story with the rest of us as it clearly can be seen that you weren't born with it, or else you parents would have powers too." Boromir states.

"Well, since you are all so interested, I shall start from the beginning."

"It was around 60 years ago, just before the Battle of Five Armies" I begin.

"You were there?" Gimli, the dwarf, questions.

"Yes Gimli, anyway, I lived in Mirkwood with Legolas and his father, as well as my other friend, Tauriel. We were scouting until we found the company of Thorin Oakenshield, looking lost. We of course brought them to our dungeons until their burglar; Bilbo Baggins stole the keys from the guards on the night of the Feast of Starlight. We hunted down the orcs chasing them, but the dwarves escaped. Then we brought the orc in and interrogated him. Ada Thrandy sliced his head off for talking about something as I wasn't paying attention. Then I kept the head of the orc and Leggy and I walked to find Tauriel who went to hunt the orcs but also find the dwarf prince. We found Tauriel and headed to Lake Town to pursue the orcs and Bold. Tauriel stayed to heal the dwarf from poison and Leggy and I went to kill the orcs. Leggy went to fight Bolg whilst I killed the others. I then found him bleeding, but we grabbed a horse and followed Bolg until losing him again. Later on, we came back to find a desolated Lake Town with Smaug dead. We then found Tauriel, we told her of Gundabad, until a stupid elf dude told us we had to go back and Tauriel was banished, but of course, we refused and went on to Gundabad. We then wait on a mountain rock thing, waiting till dark but I fell asleep so I don't know what happened until Leggy woke me up saying we needed to warn the men of the orcs coming from the north. We rode into Dale seeing orcs, men and elves fighting. We then see Gandalf and tell him the news, and Bilbo told us of the Dwarf king and princes up on Ravenhill. Tauriel knew Kili was up there, so she went on. We followed her to see her in front of ada Thrandy with his sword pointed at her neck. Legolas interferes, and follows Tauriel but I wasn't allowed as ada Thrandy told me he needed to protect me as he promised Grandfather and ada and nana. We walked around Dale, well he walked while I was carried, until an orc was trying to ambush us. Which caused me to protect him and I got stabbed. He killed it and that's when I started to fade. Soon I faded, there was no trace on me. Then I ended in another world, called earth. Everything was so different. They have more advanced technology. A man, more like a beast looking thing found me and the only way I could survive was if he gave me powers. As he was giving me powers, something went wrong with the machine and he accidently gave me more power than himself. I am more powerful than Sauron himself. Soon, I lived with my best friend until 2 years ago, Gandalf came knocking on my door, saying, 'holidays over'." I finished.

Everyone was silent as some were still registering what I had said. 

The Return (Sequel to The Beginning)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora