"You are the clumsiest elf in Middle Earth!"

"Well I can't help the fact that I am only half" I whisper back.

"Let me risk a little more light" I heard Gandalf say at the front of the line.

The light illuminates the area and the place is huge. A dragon could fit in here.

"Behold: the great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf."

"Hehe, it has the word elf at the end. Do you think Gimli's wrong about the dwarves living here? Because first the door is in elvish and now the name has elf in it. One would think this is where the elves lived instead of dwarves." I say to Legolas.

He chuckles and elbows me in the ribs to tell me to be quiet but still has the smirk on his face.

We should really call Mirkwood, Smirkwood because Thranduil smirks a lot and so does Legolas and I bet the whole realm smirks too because they do. I even got the smirking from being with Thranduil and Legolas.

"Now there's an eye opener and no mistake." Sam says in awe.

We continue through the hall and we see a room with a sunbeam flowing through. Well more like Gimli saw it first as he is already running towards it when we are supposed to be heading somewhere else. Wait! Why is Gimli going over there! He's going the wrong way!

"Gimli!" Gandalf calls out to the dwarf.

We all follow him to see Gimli on his knees in front of a tomb. Is he crying?!

"No......No......NOO" Gimli cries.

Boromir lays a hand on his shoulder as Gandalf translates what's on the tomb stone.

"Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.' He is dead then. It's as I feared."

Gimli continues to wail and I stand next to Legolas and ada."

"We must move on, we cannot linger" Legolas says to ada. I nod in agreement.

"They have taken the bridge... and the second hall." Gandalf reads. "We have barred the gates... but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes."

I see Pippin slowly move backwards, holding Gandalf's staff and hat.

"Drums... drums... in the deep." He continues. "We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark."

Everyone but me, glance around us, like there would be a whole bunch of orcs or goblins going to crash in.

"We cannot get out..." He still continues. "They are coming!"

All of a sudden, we hear a crash and we all turn to Pippin who is near a well. I face palmed, Gandalf looked mad while the others looked scared or distressed.

Pippin winces each time we hear a crash, so do the others while I just stand there counting how many times I hear a crash whilst rubbing my forehead as I hit my self a little to hard when I faced palmed.

High five me! I did a mental high five to myself and the noise stopped.

Gandalf then slams the book shut. Oh no! Angry Gandalf isn't a very nice Gandalf! "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" He grabs his hat and staff and all of a sudden, we hear drums. Oh goody!

They sound like they are coming closer!

"Frodo" Sam says.

Frodo pulls out his sword, Sting and it's glowing blue. Yes! Time for a party!

"Orcs!" Legolas says.

"Really? Thanks for stating the obvious Leggy! I thought they were elves coming to party with us, that's why there are drums coming closer and Frodo's sword is glowing blue" I sarcastically say.

The Return (Sequel to The Beginning)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin