Road Trip

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"Let me just change my shirt," Adam says as he heads for the boot of his car. He opens it up and takes off his shirt. I blushed. He has a pale white chest with a tan line where his sleeves cut off. He pulls out a plain, dark blue tee shirt and chucks it on. "Hop in!" He smiles. I smile back as I open the passenger seat door. I put on my seatbelt as Adam starts the car. We charge out of the parking lot and onto the main road. "So," Adam breaks the silence, "Where do you work?"
" Oh, right. I work just at the office building up the road." I reply. I point at the tall, grey skyscraper with lots of windows. Adam stops at the red light and turns towards me.
"I have to take you out for lunch." He says with a straight face. " I haven't seen you since graduation and I feel bad for not keeping in touch. I have some amazing friends you have to meet and I want to show you where I work. I think you will find my career quite entertaining." When he finishes his speech, he looks at the road and plants his foot on the gas. The light has turned green while he was talking and there were angry people shouting at him. I chuckled as he speeds towards my office. We chat, talk and share details along the way. When he parks his car under the building he looks towards me and says, "So, was it true?"
"Was what true?"
"What Benjamin said that day..."
I panic and look at my wrist. "Oh would you look at the time! I've got to go to work, but I'll give you my number so we can arrange that lunch of yours" I wink and he smiles, forgetting about what he was just saying. I write down my phone number on a small sticky note and place it on his forehead. I unbuckle my seat belt and let my self out of the car. As I watch him drive away, I sigh a sigh of happiness.

Remember Me? (Skydoesminecraft x Reader) //COMPLETE//حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن