"Aw shit!"

Now, I wasn't sure if he would actually have the balls and that much a copper's spine to bust me and Natalie just over this.  But of course, it was his job, what he agreed to do and I understood.  I just didn't want to take any chances. 

Natalie saw where I was looking and got in the car as fast as she could too, just after I jumped in the passenger seat.  Getting in, I watched with strange excitement as Luke just stood there and watched as Natalie started the car and pulled out.  The lock of eyes between mine and his broke as she drove, me turning back to watch ahead of us at the empty road.  Now driving down the street, I felt a strange sensation in my stomach and I realized it was from laughing hard at what just happened. 

"How ironic was that?" I said, laughing hard and looking to Natalie who was also laughing hard as she drove. 

"Oh my god, his face was... priceless!"

"That was awesome."

"You and daddy are going to be having a little talk when he gets home later," she said, glancing to me as she grinned through her chuckle.

When she dropped me off at home, we were still laughing.  I never felt anything like that.  Like the thrill of just being a kid getting caught.  And I didn't feel bad one bit.  It was fun and I felt a hint of the freedom I always desired. Of course, getting home, I felt the pressure automatically fall back on my shoulders.  I still was certain though: it would be interesting when Luke got home. 

"Where were you?" Clare was on me in a minute when I walked through the door, smiling.  She stood before me at the door, her arms crossed.  I felt a small ping in my heart.  I didn't like how she was speaking to me.  I wanted to believe that she actually cared but I knew she didn't.

"Did you see the note I left?"

"Yeah I did.  I don't think it takes three hours to go grocery shopping." Before I left the house at 6:00, I left a note saying I went grocery shopping.  It was a clear bullshit story since it was now 9:30 and that particular store we go to is closed.  But at least they would know I wasn't taken or anything. I only really left it for Luke when he got home because he'd be the only one to worry. However, I now knew Luke worked late, obviously from our brief run in. 

"How would you know?  It's not something you ever did, as far as I recall," I said, pushing past her and heading up stairs.

It wasn't only an hour later that I heard the front door open downstairs and I knew that Luke was home.  I felt the anticipation fill me as I paused in what I was doing (drawing a picture).  Waiting, I heard a few mumbled voices and knew they were talking.  She was probably telling him how she was worried about where I was this whole time because I hadn't come home after three hours of grocery shopping.  I smirked though, knowing Luke understood that all that was BS out of her mouth.  Like she could ever be caring.

I finally heard my bedroom door open and shocker, daddy was home.  I smiled up to him innocently and all he gave me was a blank stare, one I couldn't decipher anything from.  I still hated that about him, how he could always seem to hide his feelings or expressions like that.  I had no idea what he was feeling, thinking....

I put the pad of paper down with the pencil and sat back a bit.  Resting my back against the headboard, I outstretched my legs and crossed my arms, waiting for him to yell at him.  I was ready and excited already.

"How was your day today, Albany?" he asked nonchalantly, raising an eyebrow and I still couldn't get anything out of his expression. 

I nodded and smiled.  "Great.  I went grocery shopping.  You're welcome," I said.

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