Chapter 6

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Dedicated to Itzabelvic for always commenting on my story and Nima117 for commenting too and to the rest people who commented on my story ^_^

Now on to the story <.<


Chapter 7

Mya POV;

'While walking in the hallway and was planning my revenge on laito, a weird tense aura came from a room, then i heard a scream that sound almost like yui ''strange thing.'' i am sure that is yui nah that cant be yui she is in class right? then i heard







'' okay maybe i should check and make sure that isn't yui. I walked in cautiously in the room, what you will never be sure whats in the room it could be a boogie man or something, it had a large swimming pool,then i saw yui struggling to swim.

I ran to the pool and dived right in ,yui was never able to swim for some strange reason but i learn to swim since i was 7, i grabbed yui and pull her out of the pool.

'Yui are you okay ?, she was spluttering and spitting out water, ''Of course not you fool how you expect her to be okay when she couldn't swim stupid much'' '' what i am not stupid i was just asking her'' ''ugh why i am the brain of this stupid girl'' '' but isn't you who control me and my thoughts''

It came quiet, i smirked i officially outsmarted and won a combat with my brain ,0, .

'um mya you are spacing out.'' I then start asking her a whole load of question

'Are you okay? '

'Who did this to you ? '

' Did you get attack or something ?'

'Its alright mya is just aya-' 'AYATO JUST WAIT UNTIL I FIND YOU,YOU BASTARD !!!!!! ,i shouted,he appeared out of no where. 'tch you are so nois-', 'I punched him on his nose and kick him in the pool.

'Hmp' i stormed out,before i stormed out i said if you ever mess with yui again i will surely injure you and i don't care if your are a vampire.

I walked out knowing my revenge for Laito sakamaki.





MUHAHAHAHAWA i cackled like a witch before stomping my toe by the wall ;/








And finish how was it sorry if it was boring XD anyhow i will not be updating so much because i have exams i will update sooner or later :0 thanks for reading ^_^.

ps: please comment on who you will like to be interview ;)

Ja ne~

Diabolik lovers Yui younger sisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon