Chapter 1:00 (continued and edited)

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This is a dedication for Kana_Miyazaki thank you for commenting on my story ^_^

....Something about him seem sad and lonely oh well.Yui runs up to him..


Yui runs up to the butler guy and said more like pleaded 

"Can you please help us?" Butler guy then asked and who you might be? Yui replied to him" I am yui komori and that's my younger sister mya komori."

 I know nothing of this. He then turn to the pervert raping guy ''Ayato do you know anything about this?'' Who's name I now know is ayato i thought. '' I don't know anything about pancake or feisty busty.''

 yui says ''why did you call me pancake?''  ''because you're flat as one and your sister is the opposite''. We glared at him.

 Butler man said please follow me. When I turned and saw bakatyo I will call him that for now on giving yui one last dirty look. We reached to a sitting room and sat down when we heard '' is it true that we have a cute little human visiting us .

WAIT  A MINUIT! They can't see me unless if I make noise or do violence that's so cool. He then teleport and lick yui cheek. Che I will call him pervert. Then this creepy kawiaa kid lick yui too.

 I will just call him creepy kawiaa. Keep your cool Mya don't tear out their tongue not now though.'I thought I smell human in here' but dude aren't you human.' 'So it was you' yui ask "how did you come in?'' My question first and he has a dent in the wall with his fist. Never mind I take back the human thing, poor wall T^T.

He is scary. But how come they don't notice mya.  Mya then get up and start hugging the wall that had a dent in it and crying anime tears. I start giggling they look at me if I was crazy and then look over to see what I was watching.

 And saw Mya,they blinked,she stared and said ''sup b**ches.'' 'are you the two girls who the man told me about.' Mya and I look over to see a boy older than us have blond hair with mp3 player around his neck.

That is sooooo cool a mp3 player around your neck.

'shu do you no anything about this ' 'Maybe' ' don't maybe me kawaii creepy said' ' this man told me these two people were coming today he said to treat them with respect.'

"so you mean bitch-chan and prim-chan are the new prospective brides~", 'more like sacrificial brides.' says ayato also know as bakayato.  "He also said not to hurt them." pshh hurt them my ass they look like they can't even hurt a fly except anger issues over there.   "well it looks like we are going to have a verrryyyy looong relationship bitch-chan~"

 ( Mya has gone invisible mood XD) wait they can't see me oh * does John cena  can't see me sign* when I was about to move yui fell down I went to help yui and saw blood.  I then  look up to see..... a potato!! Just joking they had fangs they are vampires wow *q* so cool.

WAIT but that means they are dangerous I have three options

(a) go help yui she is your sister.

(b) every man for themselves run.

(c) confront them and say back off bitches and pelt onion or garlic (I always get confused XD)on them.

(d) poke their fangs and poke them.

Hmm b and d sound tempting, c will just make them angry it doesn't work anyway "well it's time to run like a little bish. " yui let's g-" she pulls me behind and her and pulls out her rosary. 

"Yui that doesn't work neither onions or sunlight rays I wish I could burn them to ashes though." my brain said what but they are hot XD she then starts running with me. I heard this '' there manners are deplorable".

well to bad sucker.ooh candy yummy. "Can I have those creepy kawiaa then shook his head yes slowly with a confused expression thank you" * starts picking out chocolate*

 I was then pulled away nooooooo WHYYYYYYY IS THIS WORLD CRUEL. oh well, I am enjoying the free drag. Where did my little bitch chan go~?  Take a guess. WHAT ARE YOU CALLING MY BIG SISTER A BITCH WHY YOU PERV!!! I KNOW WHERE YOU TELEPORT!!!

Timeskip brought by Sebastian michaels

We ended up by this strange room with jewelry and other ornaments then I saw a beautiful long purple hair woman my head start aching.

 I look over to yui to see the same thing but just mean she was clutching her chest where her heart is.she then hit up onto the bookshelf and then a book came tumbling down a picture when yui was 7 and I was 5. I saw this ' the fact yui and Mya is not my children doesn't mean anything for they bring great joy. Why yui said "why is father journal here ?" ' I don't know ask the book why its here"

'Out of all the rooms you pick this one I gasped and saw they were here.

 I look over to Mya to see her looking at ratio angrily."just tell them if they leave they will be dead." subaru said.

 Ayato and raito start licking my neck 'stop it 'stop' I saw Mya taking off her shoes aming for ratio head and ayato face. when i heard crash there was glass breaking "Sorry I accidentally knock it over."

Shu? Saved me?

Hmm he is not bad he is off the bad list for now.

"Hey pancake are you ready for this."the next thing I saw was darkness.
And done how was it?

Sorry for not updating so long I had school
The next chapter will be for a special somebody who commented but I am not telling yet

Hey about a joke huh

Me: what do cows do all day huh huh

Audience: silence with grass hopper sounds
Me: they mooooove around get it? <.<

Audience: you suck get off the stage

Me: waaaa T^T you guys don't get didn't you *ducks knife* okay I am very- oh shiny takes knife and sells it on eBay who ever did this just made me a millionaire whoop whoop

Bye * runs off stage*

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