Chapter 24~

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Hey Hey amu-chan in the house, I was busy writing the chapters in my book so you don't have to wait long anymore XD. Photo above is Mya but with longer hair.


?? Pov:

I moved my ears a little bit, only to see my tails also twitched.

T_T, I heard footsteps coming towards the door, so I ran under the bed and hid.


Please don't notice me senpai.

Meanwhile back at the sakamaki mansion.

'Shu go and do something for once in your pathetic life.' Reiji demanded.

'I don't give a f**k about you or chores.'

Reiji grew a tickmark.

Everyone was angry for some reason.

'Where is my mother f**king chocolate.' Kanato shouted. 'I want back mommy (Mya).'

'Ohohho I can always be your daddy kanato ;^).' Laito winked

'I don't need your ugly,gay ass' Kanato continued to cry.

'Shut up all of you!': Subaru.

'Oh be quite all of you go choke on a d**k and die and just disappear.' :shu

'You can always suck on-' :laito

'Go and f**k yourself laito': kanato

'Deplorable manners all of you, I should have slaughtered all of you when I got the chance.' Reiji.

'You are a loser reiji compare to me the great ore-sama!' Ayato, has entered the building.

'You know what! Fite me' :Shu

'Gladly you gay ass piece of shitz' : reiji.

*Le fighting with yui praying to god for help and kanato crying.*

Back a t the mukami household:

??? Pov:

Senpai shoes is at my hiding spot


'A furryyy!!' An energetic voice shouted.

''I know that annoying ass voice anywhere"

I got pulled out by my tails.

=^=. My face.

Kou face: ♡○♡

'So cuteeee!' He yelled while pulling on my god ears.


*aggressive rubbing of my cheeks and ears*


*squealing like a fan boy*

=^=********* I bit him on his finger..hard.


'Owwww' Kou started to cry and drop me. But he wasn't really crying he was alerting his brothers.

A smirk was on his face, along with imaginary devil wings and tail.

I glared at him, but he only cried louder.

'What's with all the nois-' yuma froze while looking at my fox ears and tails

Then Azusa

Then Ruki

Yuma: ⊙-⊙

Azusa: =°=

Ruki: ˙-˙ *Le stares intensely*

'Who are you? And what have you done with Mya?'

'.....BITCH I AM MYA!'


NANI?! Kou shouted.

'Prove it' ruki said blankly while eying me suspiciously

' got no jams..' ruki sighed,

'Yep that's her.'

While at the sakamaki.

Shu sighed happily as a garbage truck came and pick up 1 large black bag.

Kanato blinked and watch as shu lay back down on the couch.

Subaru only smiled happily but stopped..

'Who is going to be cooking now?'


Yo ☆ amu, here sorry for the wait o had to write the chapters out and it for deleted somehow ;~; anyway I am now officially a bts fangirl ;;

Their music is fabulous >,<

Jungkook,Suga and v is awesome.

See us guys later

Ja ne ^^.

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