Bonus chapter

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Here is a little bonus chapter ^_~, just some random things may contain swearing.


As the blond hair vampire was about to sleep he was interrupted by someone.

"Hey shu can you teach me how to play an instrument?"





"Okay then, Well I will just teach my self to play an instrument"


1 hour later~

Shu was quite peaceful and happy because the place was quiet and there was no one to bug him until...


'Did someone just pass gas?' Shu thought while getting up to inspect the weird noise.


The noise was coming from Mya as she tried hard to play the flute to the titanic song.

Pruuuuuduudusidpperhckcckckckkckcrreeeeee (I don't know how a flute sound '_')

Shu just closed the door,turn away on his heels and walk away.


"Mya please stop fooling around in the lab,you might knock something over."

However his warning went unnoticed.

Therefore he got out his whip.

"Oh lord reiji is kinky as hell." The orange hair girl said as she finally notice the glare on reiji and stop running around the lab.

"You will behave unless if you want punishment."


"Good" As soon as reiji turn his back to do something Mya took a substance that was in the table and drink it down.


He turned around only to see Mya passed out on the floor.



Due to a project for class ,to go and sell food to the people and raise money to save the endangered animals.

Mya and kanato decided to sell cake.

"Come and get your cake,cake all size and colors!!!" Mya said to the people who walk pass.

Yet nobody take notice at her at all.

Kanato snickered.

"Alright you won't listen,I was just being nice but I guess I will have to do this the hard way."



"Damm" kanato muttered under his breath.


That's it for today if you will like another bonus chapter plz tell me any way that was all for today sorry for not updating until now so tell a friend today that Amu-chan from the potato club.


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