Chapter 7~

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Hello everybody how are you doing? sorry it took long ~ with out further due here is chapter ! :)

Dedicated to all my dear readers~


Dinner time ~

3rd pov:

Yui was staring at the food like if it was some type of alien.She was thinking about her father diary.A voice interrupted her thoughts.

'Bitch- chan why are you not eating? ,you will become weak' laito said while trying to get close to her. When somebody kick him in his face, that he ended up on the floor. *cough mya cough*

'Although i hate to admit it yui, but it is true you will get sick' her sister said her voice full of concern and worry.

Mya Pov:

After i spoke to yui and told her to eat. she did eat the food but ayato keep eye raping yui, laito and reji keep staring at me, subaru mostly glaring at me, shu sleeping,kanato staring at me. I got fed up, so i stood up and said 'you know what f this food'

I point to laito: 'You go to hell'

I point to reji : 'So long 4 eyes sucker'

i point to kanato:' you are okay'

i point to subaru:' you cool'

i point to shu: you are okay for now

'AND YOU!!!' i point to ayato






'jump of a cliff'

I walked off after.

time skip to her revenge on laito~

3rd pov;

the troublemaker also know as mya was currently changing laito shampoo to blue dye.after she did such horrid thing she sneak into laito room and redecorated, just a little hint it was pink and full of unicorns

Mya pov:

'I sat down on my bed reading wattpad and listening to music' I then heard a scream a girly one though ''Is that yui'' ''nah yui went to sleep a moment a go" .

I then saw laito running out with blue hair.




hahahahahahhahhahahahha omg i had to get a pic of that!!

I listen closely to hear a manly scream , then a loud thump . i carefully went to his room, only to see him faint out. i took a picture of him and his hair. I grinned a creepy way.

When walking out his room i stopped ' oh before i forget the hair dye is permanent' it was then followed by a shriek.

to the game room~

I walked in only to see ayato boasting, kanato playing with teddy , shu sleeping and reji reading. i ignore them and look at the dart board.

I mentally whistle whoever did this is really good at aiming. i am going to try darts <.< !!

(short author note: please note that this mya is very bad at darts very dangerous in this situation someone is going to get hurt.)

PSHHH i am very good at darts tehee, i can even do it with my eyes close.

I covered my eyes and pelt the dart. somehow it didn't land on the board but on





wait for it





mentally hiving myself yahoo it didn't kill anybody like those time before wait but it landed...


Ayato yelped and demand who threw this at ore-sama?!?

Wait so the name of his ass is ore-sama?

I point to kanato quickly all eyes were on me. 'THAT LITTLE F***KER DID IT!













Kanato: 'what ?'


AND DONE :) how was it sorry it was long and boring but i finally post it <.<

anyhow thanks for reading my story!!

until next time


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