Chapter 11: Onii-san

Start from the beginning

"Et-to, I am Sawada Tsunayoshi, nice to meet you..minna"

The others nodded in acknowledgement.

"So Sawada, I heard you're a NEET? Extremely, why is that?" Knuckle asked bluntly.


If Giotto was drinking water right now, he would've spit it all. Giotto face turned pale and he quickly jumped to Knuckle side and clamped his mouth with his hand.

"Um, no! Ignore that Tsuna! You don't have to answer that!" Giotto said.

"Nufufu~ oya.. oya... I've never seen this side of Giotto before," Deamon chuckled.

"Huh? NEET? what the heck is that? Some kind of candy?" Lampo asked lazily.

"Haha, no Lampo. It stands for Not in Education, Employment or Training, basically it's a person who doesn't go to school or work or had any kind of training for something" Asari answered.

....Then what was Tsuna-kun doing with his life in this world?

"I think NEET people had their reasons... like health problems, financial... or something... who knows. It's the first time I'm meeting one," Asari added.

"Nufufufu~ Tsunayoshi are you sick or something?" Deamon asked looking at him.

Tsuna is bewildered. He already started sweating bullet by all the new information and Deamon creepy stares. Although he remains calm outside (Reborn would've killed him if he panicked just because of this situation) inside he already freaking out.

What should I say??

"Deamon...," Giotto growled.

Luckily, Giotto was on his side and shot Deamon, a murderous looks like saying if-you-dare-saying-another-word-I-will-shave-your-melon-hair.

Instantly, Deamon mouth was sealed and Giotto was back in his nervous self towards Tsuna.

'He must've be mad because I told them...' Giotto thought.

"Et-etto... just ignore them Tsuna" Giotto carefully arranging his words. "Um... More importantly... what were you doing here? Did the snacks I bought is all out? Or you prefer ice creams instead?"

So he's the one that brought the snacks... Giotto-san surely had a weird taste..

"No, it's not that... I was just searching for someone at school... and strangely no one is here today," Tsuna said.

"Huh? Of course there's no one here. Today's Sunday," G stated.

Ah... I see.. no wonder no one is around..

"... oh... um... I forgot it's Sunday... that was silly of me," Tsuna lied. "... then minna-san... what are you all doing here today?"

Giotto perked up his ears. 'No way, Tsuna is interested about us?'

"Ahm! Well, today's the student council and other committees meeting.. basically we all here gathering because we represent the group." Giotto answered.

'This is a chance to let Tsuna knows more about me!' Giotto thought.

"I represent the president of student council, Asari is the one in charge and represents about club activities, G was the treasurer and vice-president, Alaude is the head of discipline committee, Deamon is the head of librarian committee, Knuckle is in charge of taking care of student health and... head of the medical team, Lampo is in charge of managing the school equipment and stuff," he explained.

"I see..," Tsuna mumbled.

So basically, Giotto-san was my brother and his guardians was also here doing school stuff which had nothing to do with Mafia... which means Reborn isn't here or anyone else I know....

....does Vongola doesn't exist in this world?

"So Tsuna?" Giotto asked hesitantly.

Tsuna looked up to him. "Yes? Nii-san?"

"You said you were searching for someone, right? Who is it?... maybe I can find him for you?" He offered.

If he doesn't know anything about Mafia.. he doesn't know Reborn..

"No," Tsuna said. "Nii-san, you can't find him.."

Those simple words struck Giotto like bullet. He recalled hearing the same thing. It was the same thing Tsuna had said before. Words that became boundaries between them, reminding him he can't help his otouto.

"Stop it, Nii-san.... even you can't find him... he isn't here... he never will be.... just leave me alone already!!"



I have a question... do you prefer they had more bonding time ... or you preferred not to?

Gimme your suggestions, comment me what you think!


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