Ch. 1

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"Mom trust me, the flight was fine. I'm getting into a cab.... No mom really I have everything.... No, I didn't forget my pillow... Mom, everything is getting here tonight, dont worry.... Ok bye mom I gotta go... Love you too." I hang up and climb into a recently pulled up taxi.

"117 Northfield lane please." I tell the driver.

I pulled up google maps on my phone and saw that the drive to my new apartment was 1 and a half hours.


I pull up messages and text Oli, my best friend back home in Colorado.

Kaeden- I arrived! London is so beautiful in the fall, I love it already

Oli- Great

Kaedan- is something wrong?

Oli- I'm just so sad that you live halfway across the fuckin world now

Kaedan- I know and I promise to visit often, but I had to move here so I can pursue my astrophysicist career. Remember?

Oli- ya I know, you've told me about 5 mil times now

Kaedan- sorry I'm just so excited

Oli- k well I'm going to eat now, text ya later ho

Kaedan- love you douchebag

I pull out my earbuds and start watching Orange is the new black, my latest Netflix binge watching show. After I get through one episode I turn off my phone and look out the window.

"You here by yourself?"

I'm startled by that voice,  then I suddenly remember it's the driver.

"Oh um yes for now."

"Don't worry I'm not some stalker guy, I'm just trying to warn you to stay off the streets at night. I know this place looks like fun but it's very dangerous in some parts. Never go out alone."

"Thanks for that advice." After about 20 minutes of having to reply to his small talk questions we pull up next to a nice white apartment.

"Thank you for the ride sir." I tell him as I pay the driver. He helps me get my suitcase and carry on out of the trunk.

I walk up to the door and unlock it.

Wow. This place looks better than I thought. I'm standing in the middle of a large room with a small kitchen to my left a small dining table to my right and a unfurnished area that I'm guessing is where my couch and tv will go.

I put my bags down and pull out my phone. I promised Oli that I would FaceTime her and give her a house tour as soon as I got here.

On the second ring she picks up.

"What is it bitch?"

"Oli, I arrived!!" I squeal.

"OOO!! Yeah! Give me a tour now."

"That's a little demanding don't you think."

"Shutup and show me."

"Ok ok, here's the kitchen."

"It's tiny."

"I don't cook much anyways."

"Fair enough."

"This is where I think I'll put my couch and tv and this is the dinner table."

"You barely have any furniture."

Kidnapped by Joe SuggWhere stories live. Discover now