six-getting settled

Start from the beginning

They kept mama's cancer away from me, and my abusive relationship from him. He wasn't aware that Chance was keeping me away against my will. An so that made Aariz think I didn't love them anymore, while mama, Noah and Miles knew the truth.

I opened my arms and he stepped back in them. "There was things going on, that you didn't have to worry about. But I'm not going any where it will be like old times".

I reasured him and he smiled, " Come bro ham" I said in a goofy voice and he gave me one of his ' please stop' looks " I love you so much" " I love you too".

I missed family time like this. They were all busy with there own lives and I was in my situation, I'm glad we can get together like this. I'm just sad its for a unhappy reason.


We sat around eating the chicken wigs, pizza, carrot sticks and soda. Laughing and remasing, we all had the day off Noah and Aariz were back for a little while. Thing's were just so fun and care free.

"You remember back in tenth we bought those Twinkie and walked around in the snow" Miles said " Oh shit, yeah and they were stale as hell and we made snow balls out of them!! We broke that persons car window?"

I said cracking up and finishing the memory. "You guy's seriously did that, your a bad ass like me girl" Josh added playfully bumping into me while everyone laughed at the story.

"You guy's did some crazy stuff growing up" Ezrah said braking the laughter. We glanced at each other and smiled "We have." Our eye contact was cut by the ringing of my phone. I politely excused myself and went in my bedroom admiring the decor. I looked down at my phone and didn't recognize the number. I awnserd the call but as soon as I did it was disconnected. I tried it again but it went straight to voice mail.

Shrugging my shoulders I left the room, heading back to everyone. "Hey gyul I'm going to head out, Ezrah wants to show me something" I gave her the eyebrow, knowing what he wanted to show her. I hope she's not that stupid to fall for it, they've been talking for the last few weeks so I guess you never know.

She packed up and I said my goodbyes to the three of them. Josh came and gave me a kiss on the cheek saying he had a late appointment and would text me later tonight. That left my three favorite boy's.

"So you guys wanna do a movie night?" I questioned "Love to but I'm going out with my niggas, I need some female company" holding my chest like I was hurt. " I thought I was bae?" "I love yoou" he said and I retuned it and he left. I went to Netflix and put on The Wolf Of Wall street.

We sat around catching up with Aariz, he was doing good in school, happy to be home snd had a little girlfriend. I was getting ready to open my mouth but he stoped me. "Nope nope not the talk Ill be in your room." I looked at Miles in awe like how did Aariz even know I was going to try to have 'the talk ' with him. "How did he even know" I asked Miles "Your his big sister. He already knew it was coming" he chuckled.

It got quite for a good thirty minutes before Em layed his head in my lap. " Twist my dreads" he demanded and I slapped his head playfully. "Can I get a please" " please" he hummed and I proceeded to get to his hair, while he nuzzled his face into my stomach and I got butterflies.

"Ain't you happy that the knuckle heads are back. Hate to admit it but I missed havin' them around kinda" "Kinda you know you love their annoying asses" I giggled.

" So you and Josh are for real" I stopped twisting his hair "relax ma it's just a question damn". We were getting pretty serious, we were hanging out more then normal like a real couple, not just fwb, it was nice.

" I mean thing's have gotten more serious but were not together yet" he remained silent and nodded "What happened to Destin"?

Destin and I didn't click how I wanted us to. So I just text him from time to time to see what's up. To many things were happening to fast, I didn't have time to get to know someone new. Well at least not in the way I wanted to.

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