Gabriel's Breakdown

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Me: Wanna head out of here?

Evan: Sure but what about-

Gabriel: Hey Audrey! Come skate with me!

Audrey: Oh hey Gabriel...

Evan: Gabriel..

Gabriel: Evan...

Audrey: Can we just move past this?

Gabriel: Fine. Just for you though.

Audrey: Thank you.

Gabriel: So wanna skate?

Evan: She can't because she's going with me.

Gabriel: Yes because she would totally go with you.

Audrey: Actually I think I'm going to go with Evan....

Gabriel: W-w-what?!

Audrey: I'm sorry I-

Gabriel: You know what fine! You just don't listen Audrey! He's broken your heart already. What makes you think he won't do it again!

I was stunned. Gabriel was my friend, my best friend even. Why would he say something like that?

Evan: It's obvious he likes you.

Audrey: No he doesn't.

Rachel: yeah....he does.

Audrey: How do you know?

Rachel: It's obvious. He only talks to us because we're your friends. Duh

Audrey: What?! Wait were you eaves dropping?!

Rachel: Whoops, I'll leave now...

Audrey: Wait! How do you know that? That he likes me?

Rachel: We all see the way he looks at you and how he's so 'buddy buddy' with you.

Audrey: that's not true! I will prove to you that he doesn't like me. Both of you. I will prove both of you!

Rachel: Okay kiddo you can try.

Evan: You know you don't have to-

I didn't get to hear the rest of his sentence because I was already out the door bear-foot running to catch up with Gabriel.


Okay guys! That was the last chapter of my little contest thingy. Lol. So I won't be updating as much but don't worry I will be updating. Ly guys❤️

The Best Cruise Ever (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora