Venting 101

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After all the comforting from the girls, we all decide to just VENT. So after I went and explained how I felt and stupid Evan it was Amanda's turn. "Well, I don't really hate boys at the moment but.......I have been seeing someone and his name is Luke. Trust me he's a good guy, he's so sweet and nice....oh, also he lives in New York City so when we get off this cruise we will still be able to see each other!" she exclaims. We all smile not because of the fact that Amanda has a boyfriend but because she is able to see him whenever and it's very rare to find a guy that lives really close to you. Next person venting was Lauren. "Well since you guys already know about Adam.......I guess it would be a good time to tell you about him." Lauren suggests. "That would be nice Lauren, don't you think?" Britney says sarcastically. We all nod at Lauren signaling her to continue. " Ok so he takes me everywhere and shows me so many cool things. He literally treats me like a princess and we have been on so many dates. I met him during the beach party while Amanda and I was in the ocean splashing each other with water. I then accidentally splashed him and he was so cool about it that he even splashed me back" she giggles softly.  "Now it's my turn,finally. So Im dating Gabriel and so on. We have been on a couple of dates here and there. And.....and....and....HE SAID THE THREE WORDS TO ME!!" Rachel screams. We gasp in excitement and lean closer to her vying for more information. "AND I SAID IT BACK!!!! EEEEEEKKKK" Rachel replies. We start to jump up and down on the beds and hug her to death. "'s your turn." I slowly tell her. She starts laughing like she is on medication or something and slaps my leg a number of times. "That's really funny Audrey! I get...get...get the joke!" she responds  while trying to catch her breath. "What about that guy Jacob?" questions Lauren. " What about him? I don't like him. Never have and never will. Can we talk about something else please." Britney asks. We agree and begin talking about our favorite actors in a couple of movies. After that we kind of just drifted off to sleep and to be honest it was an amazing night. I really did miss my girls especially when it came to just talk about basic things with them!

The Best Cruise Ever (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora