Does Audrey still like Evan?

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Me: What do you mean?

Britney: I'm not stupid Audrey. Do you like him or not

Me: Idk it's really hard. He cheated on me but what he said in the car on the night of the heart lit up. And what he said was so inspiring, like I needed that. I needed to hear from some boy that they loved me! And yeah what he did was stupid, like sleep with and kiss other girls but he did it to get me out of his head. Well at least the thought of him loving me out of his head. I just don't know. It's hard to figure out what I should do.

Britney: Well just play it out cool and see how it goes. It doesn't take two days to figure out if you really truly do like somebody. It takes time. So just go slow. Yeah it might be a pain in the ass knowing that he loves you but you have to ignore it. And just spend time with him. See if he has really changed.

Me: wow your right. Evan-

Evan: Evan what?


Sorry little too short but who cares you getting a next one soon! Anyways ciao!

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