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After what felt like a whole lifetime the girls finally get back and I give Britney her sweater. We then decided to take a shower and get into our pjs and watch a movie. Sadly, by the middle of the movie all of the girls have fallen asleep but me and Rachel. I quietly turn off the tv and turn to her.

"Spill girl" I eye Rachel. She looks at me confused for what seemed like an hour then finally responds

"Spill what?"

I then eye her even more and add sarcastically "Oh Gabriel I love you soooo much".

She frowns at me and replies "I'm not in LOVE with him. He's just cute."

I give her a little smirk. "Ask him out."

She then stares at me and then starts laughing uncontrollably. "At least I wasn't drooling over that boy u bumped into the hallway". She challenges.

"Oh please, I just fell into the guy." I Fire back.

"Sureee". She rolls her eyes.

"I'v had enough of your opinion tonight. I'm going to bed." I quickly add.

Rachel laughs "Okay Audrey".

Rachel turned off the light and before I doze off I sigh and say "You know Rachel, do you think I would have a chance with Evan?"

️Even though it's dark in the room I can still sense that little smile off the corner of Rachel's lips, and she just simply replies "Of course."

My chapters are kinda short but if u want it to be longer comment💙!

The Best Cruise Ever (COMPLETE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ