Lauren's P.O.V.

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{More points of views coming your way! Just keep in mind that this is Lauren now!}

Amanda and I ran into the ocean as soon as we took one look at the gleaming water. We threw our cover-ups at Audrey and Rachel, then bolted toward the warm water. It was a bit rough, but we just kept diving under the waves, gracefully like dolphins, just like we always do. We somehow wound up next to two guys. It must've been the tide. Anyways, we didn't pay much attention to them, only splashing each other with the water and having 'Breath Holding' contests underwater. But I met him when I tried to splash Amanda, but she quickly ducked under the water so my splash landed on one of the guys. He was beginning to say, "Come on, it took me forever to gel my hair up like--" when he turned around and looked at me with a straight face.

His eyes widened and he said, "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"No, no, it's fine. It's my fault for splashing you! Now your hair is ruined!"

"It's okay." he tried to reassure me.

"No, it's not. Believe me I'd know. It sucks having your hair messed up after spending so much time on it." I replied.

"If you say so... It's not okay." he jokingly responded.

I giggled a little bit before Amanda popped up and saw the look on my face, my cheeks red. She turns around and looks at the guy standing in front of me. "Oooooo, someones falling for it!" she says to me in a mocking way.

Typical Amanda. I shot her a look telling her to shut it, and she did. "I'm Lauren," I say.

"I'm Adam. Nice to meet you."

"You too."

"I'm kinda thirsty. Wanna go grab something to eat at the drink bar?" he asks.

"Sure, why not," I reply.


We walk up to the towel pile and Adam hands me a towel. "Thanks," I say.

"No problemo," he answers with a little laugh.

I smile. Behind me I can hear Amanda laughing her heart out with the other guy. "Who's your friend?" I ask.

"That's Luke. I think he's crushing over your friend."

"Yeah I see it too. That's Amanda. You're kind of like a girl, being able to tell who likes who and when."

"Yup. I get that a lot." he says.

We both start laughing hysterically knowing that that's not true. We head over to the drink stand and get some sodas. "Maybe we can hang out again later?" he asks.

"I'd like that very much," I say with a smile.

"Bye Lauren" he says, rolling my name off his tongue. I could tell that by the way he said my name just then that we had a special connection. 

The Best Cruise Ever (COMPLETE)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz