Pool days are bae❤️

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We head to the pool and I immediately sit down in one of the lounging chairs ready to get my tan on.

"Come on, please come in the water first." Evan begs.

"If you insist."

I give into my boyfriend. We all decide to just jump in except for Britney, she goes in a little slower. Rachel and Gabriel both nod at each other then get out the pool. Britney  not noticing, gets pushed in by the two of them and me and Evan laugh hysterically while I'm on his back.

"You filthy animals!" Britney screams.

We all start laughing, even Brit.

"We should have a chicken fight!" I suggest.

Everybody agreed. I climbed onto Evan's shoulders and Rachel  did the same to Gabriel. Britney being the referee blows her whistle which she bought at the gift shop and me and Rachel start to fight. Then we both lose our balance at the same time and fall off their shoulders leaving us to fall backwards into the water.

"Tie!" shouts Britney.

Rachel kisses Gabriel and whispers something to him. He smiles and nods. I couldn't help but notice Evan staring at them. He had some sort of disappointment or sadness in his eyes. I knew what that meant. He was looking at the kiss. I felt bad. I didn't know what to do. Should I kiss him now? Would it be awkward since they just kissed? Would Rachel and Gabriel think we are copying them? I'm thinking about this way too much. It's just a kiss. Without thinking about what to do next Evan grabs me a pulls me in kissing me with his soft lips. I let him. I don't pull back.

When we pull away he quickly adds "I'm sorry Audrey, I don't know what just---".

I lean into him kissing him again and whisper in his ear "It's okay."

We both smile and continue our make out session.

"Excuse me but...GET A ROOM PEOPLE!" Britney screams at us and at Rachel and Gabriel.

Apparently they were kissing too. I scowl at Britney for the fact of taking me out of my trance.

"You mean stop this?"  says Gabriel before pecking Rachel on her lips.

"And this?" He says again kissing her.

"I hate you both." Britney growls through her teeth.

We get out of the water and all start to walk back to the room.

That night we kind of just settled down and Lauren told us about her and Adam! Apparently they are thing now and we couldn't be more surprised and happy for her.

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