Ice Skating

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I went back to the room to see all the girls talking and hanging out...and the boys.

Britney: Where were you?

Me: Hi to you too

Britney: I don't need to say hi to you, you left us at the party! We were worried sick.

Me: I know but I have a good explanation for everything that happened.

Gabriel: go ahead.

After a long explanation about Brock and the drink and Evan and Sierra....

Gabriel: Wow, look at that. That boy isn't a total biatch after all.

Me: I guess...


Me: no no no we aren't getting back together.

Britney: Good I can't stand that jerk.

Me: So anyways I was thinking.....maybe we can go ice skating tonight? Sierra told me that they opened up a new rink here on the ship. Wanna check it out? It opens at 9 and ends at 5 in the morning.

Amanda: Hell yeah! Luke and I can ice skate together!

Btw that's Amanda's boyfriend. Ikr so exciting!

Me: Great since we are all down with it lets all get dress...then meet downstairs in the lobby. Oh and dress warm!

Lauren: Yes mother.

Me: Shut up! I don't know how cold it's going to be and I'm not sharing my sweater with anyone.

The boys leave and head back to their room while we layer ourselves.

Rachel: Hey Audrey can we talk?

Me: Sure wassup?

Rachel: I'm sorry about what I did with Evan. I guess I liked him from the start and I never told you guys. But after that kiss with didn't feel right. He doesn't treat me like he treats you. Your literally his princess. And Gabriel does the same thing. They both really like you. Heck yeah, their probably in love with you. So I'm just sorry for everything. It won't happen again.

Me: It's fine I'm over it. But I don't like Gabriel. Idk about Evan....


Lauren: See I knew it!

Britney: yaaaaayyy.........(she says sarcastically)

Amanda: Dude! Invite him to the ice skating rink!

Me: Should I?

All the girls: YEAH!

Britney: If he makes u happy I guess I can deal with him...

Do I really still have feelings for Evan? Should I invite him? Or would it be too risky? I mean he did say he loves me. What he thinks I love him back? Do I love him back? Ughhhh too much thinking.......

Me: Fine...I guess I can give him a call....

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