30 : outro

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noun : informal
the concluding section of a piece of music or a radio or television programme.

I woke up sharply, recognising the sunlight filtering through my blinds. I checked my surroundings, to notice I had been laying in the living room of my house, clearly after taking the time to clear everything up because it was honestly spotless.


I sat up, my head spinning momentarily. The first thing I felt like doing was taking a shower and changing out of the clothes I was wearing. There were bloodstains and a cut on the back of the shirt which intrigued me, but I couldn't quite grasp why.

Once showered, I changed into a clean t-shirt and jeans. I want to see Bradley.

I walked out of my house into the sunshine, and felt a slight chill run down my spine, even though it was probably as hot as a Summer day.

I couldn't find my keys or where the hell I parked my car so I took a walk, to think things over and sort out my ever failing memory. It annoyed me, I was forgetting something major but I just can't think what it could be.

Like usual, nobody took great notice of me except the odd Labrador barking me up and the little girl that stopped and smiled at me for a second before her mother ushered her away, not looking at me once. I continued to walk as the fog in my mind thickened, and I became more confused by the second.

It bothered me. It was right at the tip of my tongue, but I just couldn't make sense of it.

I stopped short of her house, noticing both cars by the door, so I turned to the back, finding my way up her balcony to which the door was already open.

She sat in her room in all black, quietly listening to music as she inked some words down on a journal.


She looked up momentarily, but not in my direction. "I know you can hear me."

The girl curled up, cupping her hands over her ears and whispering to herself. The closer I got, I realised she was saying 'he is okay'. I looked at her.

"Bloody hell." Brady huffed, grabbing a pair of black shoes and sliding them on. I followed her out of the room and out of the house.

I must've done something bad when I blacked out, because she has never ignored me in such way. First to enter the car was her, followed by me.

She looked me square in the eye and then held her head in her hands again, sobbing quietly.

"Brady, what's wrong."

She sighed, sitting up and starting the car.

I didn't say anything during the trip; my head was hurting, along with majority of my body. Brady didn't say anything either, she was very focused on the road. I only really paid attention when we turned into a cemetery.

I followed behind her through the graves, all different shapes and sizes. Some newer than others, in which the type was literally irretrievable.

She stopped abruptly, and kneeled down. I remained in place, my stomach dropping at her words. "Hey buddy. It's been three weeks, and, I've only just plucked up the courage. It's not that I don't think of you everyday, I do, probably more than I should.
A lot happened with your passing; your dad got sentenced to life, and it is now public that you were a killer. You've been making headlines ever since they found your house and your basement, containing the blood of many of your victims and your journal."

"I miss you." She said. "I was just a breeze in your hurricane, but, I am in love with you and I know you were in love with me. And I miss you, and I regret leaving you to walk alone that night; maybe you would be here right beside me. But it's okay, you're happy wherever you are, I'm sure."

The bad memory. The blanking of the adults & the children and animals seeing me. The reason why she was ignoring me - she could feel me.

Because I'm dead.

take this as an epilogue - I won't be writing about this on my Epilogue book because I love the element of mystery (so pls don't comment 'what happens next' 'I need more'). Make of it what you want, babes 😘

fyi, I'm working on a new story which has a bit of a criminal twist but some romance because it's my turf 😏 keep an eye out for it!

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