18 : faded

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Her mother walked out into the late afternoon sunshine we were sat in. Her gaze, however, didn't leave mine for one second. I looked from her to her mother. "I'm just going to the store quickly, can I trust you two to play nicely?"

"Yeah." Brady replied flatly.

"Okay." Mrs Carter was taken aback. "Back soon."

"Good." She spoke again in that tone that caused my bones to rattle within me. "You never answered my question. Why did Edward have your ring?"

Personally, I never thought I would have to tell her about my nighttime job. I thought she would just choose to not ask questions. But it served me right, hate had got the best of me and I was sloppy.

Now I had to face the consequences.

"I killed Edward."

Her expression didn't change at all. All she did was blink twice and exhale. "Okay. Elaborate on that."

"You wouldn't want to know."

"You're in for a surprise." Brady commented.

There was suddenly a pulse of anger in my veins; at the fact that she got me, the fact she was asking so many questions. The fact that the last person to know about this ended up dead. "You really want to know, huh? Well then, I lured him into my house and initially was only meant to stab him. But the things he did to you came back into my mind and next thing I knew, he had been cut to pieces and I was covered in blood with a chainsaw in my hand."

"You hate blood."

"Exactly." I said. "I can't control myself when I kill."

"Hold up, you've done it before?" She stood to her feet. I nodded, the initial embarrassment now faded away.

In its place came guilt, kicked off by how she began to pace around nervously. I stood up, and attempted to bring her into my arms.

The moment I touched her, she screamed.

"Don't touch me." Her voice now reduced to a whisper, as she cowered away from me.

"But I-"

"Killing Edward? I can live with that. Now killing innocent strangers-"

"They weren't innocent!" Cue anger. "They were merciless scumbags who deserved what they got."

"That sounds familiar." She pursed her lips.

I grasped her arms tightly. "You watch what you say."

Only then it hit me how violently I had just handled what I assumed was the best thing to happen to me, and how I was the new reason behind her fresh tears.

It was a bittersweet feeling.

"Bradley, I'm sorry."

"Get out," She said, her voice quivering between breaths. "before I call the police. You have a girlfriend, she's waiting for you."

"Rebecca isn't-"

"I don't care what that pathetic girl is to you, but, you need to go." Her voice softened. "For now."

I didn't say anything, simply released her and left a kiss on her forehead before seeing myself out.

I need to channel this anger, before it spins further out of control. And my drive consisted on creating methods when I remembered one.



"Babe." Just that word caused me to cringe, especially out of her mouth. "I'm hungry."

"Then go die." I muttered.


"What? I said so am I." I replied to her and she nodded. This is where the plan began.

I opened the glove compartment and pulled out a brown bag of sweets. In the mix were simple sweets injected with cyanide & ecstasy pills laced with PMMA. "I stopped by a store and collected some sweets earlier."

"Nice." She began to munch away, until majority of the bag had gone, and three of four ecstasy pills were in her system. She quickly began to get flustered.

"What was in those sweets?"

"Im not sure, I just collected the ones which-"

Rebecca gripped my arm, covered in sweat. "Get me to a hospital, now!"

"We'll see about that."

It wasn't very long until she came to a stop, dead in the passenger seat. I'm glad it happened quick, I was running out of time.

Grant's Motel was a little stop on the outskirts of LA and from the small passage from afternoon to evening, it became deserted so the workers could change the beds and whatnot.

I wasn't looking for a place to stay, I was looking for their water tank, which I quickly found was at the very top of the 5 storey building that housed the customers.

Getting her up there was as difficult as it is, but getting her inside the damn tank made me want to drown myself. There were instances in which I just wanted to give in and leave her there or throw her over, but that would drag attention to her, and she can't afford that as of now.

Because from tomorrow, Rebecca is the killer.

Google 'Elisa Lam' for the full story of Rebecca's death (and the original version)

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