4 : drive

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It was like any other night in California; the air was now clearer of pollution, and places which were usually crowded with people were now deserted. That awoke a strange feeling in me, like something was off, but in a good way.

Brady was sat by my side, her finger tapping against her knee to the beat of the song. I tuned it out since I was so focused, but, I now realised it was a song I didn't know. "What song is this?"

"Drive by Halsey. I kind of took over the aux cord when you weren't looking, and, I became an Internet meme" she chuckled. "You need to listen to her, she totally fits your grungy hipster style"

"I've never been called hipster so many times in my life" I laughed. Soon, I noticed the smile on her face faded.

"I need to tell you something, but not whilst driving because we might crash" she said.

"Say it" I shrugged.

She sighed. "You have blood on your shirt-"

The car swerved and came to a stop as I darted out of the car towards the boot. Brady followed. "Ross! Calm down, I'm sure-"

"There" I swapped the dirty shirt for the spare one I keep in the car, throwing the other one away. Bradley looked at me with some slight fear. "I'm sorry, I just can't control it"

"It's fine, I understand" she smiled again. "Shall we get back in?"

We drove around for another 30 minutes before she showed me the way to her house, high up in the Valleys.

"What's your last name?" I asked her as we sat on the hood of my car.

"Bradley Carter" she giggled when I reacted. "Yes, my Mom is Gina Carter, big deal"

"It is a big deal! She was an awesome country singer! My mom's a fan"
I explained.

"Well we surely have to arrange a meet up! Thank you again for getting me out of the restaurant and calming me down" Brady said. "Have you got a pen?"

I reached in my pocket. "Marker only"

She took it from my hands, writing her number on my forearm. "Call me if you happen to remember me someday, I'm sure I'll be happy to talk"

"I will make sure I do" I nod at her. "See you around?"

"Most likely" she looked back and nodded, before proceeding across the driveway to her front door. The moment she rang the doorbell, her parents yanked her inside with a hug. Suppose the news of the killing have spread.

I didn't care. My need was fulfilled, and that was all I could care about right now. Except from my new 5'6 friend.

I feel like I'll be thinking about her all night.


The bus window rattled, causing me to stir awake. Sleeping in public, nice one. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, avoiding another wave of tiredness as we pulled up at the bus stop in front of the Arts college.

The same fresh face from a few days ago boarded the bus, books in hand.

I've been plucking up the courage to call Brady. Sometimes I would call, only to hear her voice on the answerphone, and the cute little giggle she did. Once I called, and I let it rang to see what happened. Her fiancé picked up, but I didn't say a word, only listened to him shouting at her asking who was calling, then the call ended.

"Hey Blondie" she took a seat beside me. "You look tired..?"

"I had a tough interview, but it looks like I have the job" I smiled. "How about you?"

"My hands hurt because I've been painting for 7 hours straight, I have paint on my hands and smell like PVA glue" Brady laughed. "Other than that, I'm good"

"You study there?"

"Yeah. And so does my sister, Gabi" she smiled. "My brother Luke is at UCLA with a football scholarship"

"Ooh. You all look set" I commented.

"Can I come over for some tea? I need to speak to you"

That one shocked me. "Um, sure. Is something up"

"No" she shook her head. "We just need to catch up"

mad hatter // r.s.l. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat