25 : dollhouse

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The amount of fake was enough to make half of the nearest high school green with envy. And they treated each other as if they genuinely took in the bullshit play that was being staged.

It was a warm Sunday, and I was sat in the back garden of Rydel's house, wine cooler and Brady's hand in my own. The family was celebrating Rydel's and Ell's 3rd Anniversary, and she invited us both.

Surprising she would, knowing that I could ruin the party in two seconds flat.

But I kept to myself and my girlfriend, creating a sphere of normality around us, expelling...whatever drugs they were on.

Rydel looked the happiest, sitting with her group of friends, all in big sun hats, a cocktail in front of each individual. It looked like the ending to a bad romantic comedy, if I'm honest.

"You're being quite hard on her. It's a happy day for them." Brady whispered.

"How can she even celebrate? She was sleeping with her old boss a few months ago." I scoffed.

My girlfriend now glared at me. "Not here, Ross."

"Fine, whatever. I'm going to get myself food or something." I stood up. "Do you want anything?"

"No I'm just going to lounge here, I suppose." She grinned and laid down.

On my way to the buffet table which was filled to the brim with all sorts of food from virtually anywhere (my stomach was crying tears of joy), I came across Rydel and Ellington in each other's arms, a good two metres from me.

"You look lovely today. Is this all for me?" Ellington asked.

My sister giggled. "It sure is, I remember how you got this dress for me."

"You sure it wasn't James?" I muttered to myself.

"What?" Ellington looked to me and so did Rydel, shooting daggers at me. I put on my best fake smile and collected the plate of food I was about to munch down on.

"Nothing. Just, you know, talking to myself. Chemistry doesn't give your brain a break." I produced a dry chuckle.

They both smiled politely, and Ell was about to reply when Rydel insisted they went to do dance, glaring at me as they walked off into the midst of dancing couples.


I watched from a distance, arms crossed over my chest. Beside me, Brady was swooning over the display of romance before us.

Everybody had sat down and Rydel and Ellington were re-reading their wedding vows, now speaking of how they would never leave each other.

I stayed quiet, alcohol already pumping through my veins.

"...I put her above anything else, she's the love of my life." Ellington finished, everybody cooing at his words.

He doesn't deserve this.

"You have been and always will be my only one. I only have eyes for you-"

I began to clap slowly, laughing. For a moment I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or anger but it soon cleared up for me. "Hilarious."

Rydel looked to me, playing the oblivious card. "What?"

"The fact that what you just said is a complete lie." I hollered. "Ellington was never your only one."

"Ross." Brady hissed at me but I ignored her.

"Rydel here, sweet, lovely Rydel Lynch was caught cheating with late James Topeka on the night of his death!" And I've officially lost it.

A collective gasp came from everybody. Ellington looked at Rydel, his jaw slack. She went to grab his hand, but he moved away from her, initiating her tears.

"God knows how long that has been going on for, luckily I happened to walk in on her."

"Ross, be quiet! You've said enough." Mark attempted to lead me away but I pushed him away. "Don't you start now-"

I snatched the knife on the table, pointing at him. "Get away from me! Don't touch me!"

"Ross, Ross, look at me." Brady dived in front.

"Move." I commanded. "They need to know the truth right now."

"I'm sure so, but not here, not now." She said.

"I've called the ambulance, they'll be here anytime soon." I heard Rydel and directed myself in her direction, spreading chaos throughout the guests.

Before I could even touch her, two bodies had fallen on me, tackling me down. I thrashed and thrashed but it was no use, as these two male nurses shoved me into a straitjacket. "I'm not finished, Rydel! I'm going to come for you and you're going to regret it!"

Soon, a force had took over me, numbing my whole body, and sending me to sleep without even being able to fit a word in prior to it.

I have such big plans for this story my gOD

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