8 : take on me

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"Same time tomorrow?" Rebecca walked me to my car. I nodded. "You're in luck. It's doughnut day tomorrow."

"Nice! Well, see you tomorrow!" I waved her away as she turned, walking to her own car. I was about to put the key on the door, when I heard a voice.

"Hey man," it was Brady, who I could tell wasn't in a good mood. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she wore a black t-shirt dress with a neutral cardigan, which was totally different from her hipster-like dress code. Nevertheless, she looked gorgeous. "Aww, you look so cute for your first day at work!"

"Thank you, how are you?" I asked.

"Been better-" she rubbed her arm, looking in a different direction. "Can we go somewhere to talk?"

"Sure. Hop on."

She walked around to the passenger side and sat down, pulling the seatbelt over her. Once I was in, she took my phone, looking for permission. "Oh- sure."

With a cheeky smirk, she unlocked it and started to type and look at it under concentration. She spent the majority of the car ride on it, and then placed it back on the holder, grinning.

"What have you done?" I questioned her skeptically which instantly cracked her up.

"Nothing, I just went through your Spotify and made a playlist with my favourite songs." She said. "Now you can hear it and remember me"

"That's sweet."

"I know." She stepped out of the car, only now noticing where we were. "You know me too well!"

"I know you like the beach, so I thought it may cheer you up slightly" I removed my flannel, tying it around my hips before we sat on the sand, removing our shoes. "Should have brought a blanket."

"I don't want to fill your car with sand!"

"It's fine, I need to clean it soon anyway." I shrugged. "Now, what's the matter?"

Brady sighed, looking at the ocean. "My parents have set a date for my wedding with Edward. I get married in at least two months and I don't know what to do. I hate him, and I have hated him for the last 3 years, so nothing is going to change, but they just think I'm being petty."

"Wow. They're extreme." I said. "Is there literally nothing you can do to stop it? Fake a pregnancy to scare him away?"

She laughed. "That wouldn't work because virtually everybody knows I'm a virgin, Ross."

"I didn't." I chuckled. "But I don't know what to say. If I was in your position I would just tell them to fuck off out of my life."

"God, I wish I could." She leaned on my shoulder.

"Have you ever been to London?" She shook her head. "Let's go."

"You mean run away?"

"Why not? I've been considering moving to England to get away from my family for a while." I smiled. She had a smile on her face.

"Ah, Ross. My parents would probably blow up our plane if I went." she laughed, then wrapped her arms around me. "You're too nice for this world."

As if.

"Do you want to go back to my house and hang out?" She suggested.

"Sure. But they'll have to deal with the smell of chemicals on me." I stood up.

"They'll live. I hope."


"Mom!" Brady called in. I walked behind her, completely stunned at how large and elegant her house was. It was literally the ones you saw on magazines.

Well, it was expected. Her Mom went platinum a few times, and her Dad signs artists who go platinum.

She peered into what I assume was the living room, a brown haired guy staring intensely at the TV, fingers manoeuvring the PS3 remote in his hands. "Hi Luke. Meet my friend Ross, Ross this is Luke."

"Hello." He said to me briefly.

"Hi." I replied, waving.

"Where's Mom?"


We exchanged a glance and smiled at one another, before she told me to follow her.

"Hi Mom!" Brady greeted her mother, who was literally a splitting image of her.

"Hi lovely! And..lovely beside my lovely!" She dropped the apron in her hands. "Who's this-"

Bradley suddenly doubled over, releasing a low grunt as she clutched her stomach. I watched her worried, the same with her Mom. She pulled herself back up. "Wow. That was weird! But, this is my friend, Ross. This is my Mom"

I shook her hand. "Lovely to meet you, Ross."

"You too." I grinned.

"We'll probably be in the game room after I show him around the house so, if you could supply the food, I would be grateful..?" Brady suggested and her Mom rolled her eyes. I laughed.

"Fine, go on." She smiled as we walked away.

The house only got more extravagant as we went around; a game room, a barre in her sister's room, a trophy case for her brother, two garages, a baseball court AND tennis court in the massive back garden and her hideout in the loft.

The plan changed slightly, since I suggested we took painting supplies outside and did some painting. She agreed in no time.

"What are you painting?" I asked her.

"A ballerina" she took her hair down and ruffled it. "It gets creativity going; you?"

"A galaxy elephant. Or it's head at least" I replied. "I used to hate watercolours."

"Why's that?" She cleaned her hands, grabbing a cheese and tomato bagel for herself and walking to me.

"I don't know. They just used to bug me, like the way they worked." She sat listening curiously, the usual dazed look on her face. "I just thought they were easy to mess up with?"

"Try working with pastels, love." Brady laughed. "But hey, it's good you like them now, right."

I looked at her. "It really is"

filler chapter kinda, but some key things pointed out 😌😏

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