10 : i'm yours

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Bradley Carter

It started as a dull ache on my stomach, until it fully escalated, throbbing enough to wake me up from my sleep. In fact, it worsened once I woke up.

I released short, tiny breaths as I pulled myself out of bed, only to fall. With the slight strength I had, I crawled to the door but fell short, resorting to hysterical screaming and crying as the pain intensified. Shortly, after, Gabi ran in. "Brady? Brady! Mom!!!"

Everything was a blur, but I could recognise the sound of my mother's voice, dashing inside. "Brady, this isn't the time, it's 4 in the morning-wait, Brady are you okay?!"

I continued to reply in screams and clutching my abdominal area. She turned around in distress. "Paul!"

Dad and Luke piled inside, seeming rather calm but panicking at the same time. However, the pain was at too high of a level for me to notice.

"Luke and Mom, take Brady to the hospital, Gabi and I will meet you there in a bit." I heard Dad explain and soon I was in my brother's arms, sobbing and gasping for air. All of that however, came to a stop as I fell unconscious in Luke's arms.

Ross Lynch

I was about to add drops of water to Sodium when my phone rang, causing me to squeeze water on majority of it. "Everybody duck!"

I hid beneath my desk as the chemical reacted vigorously. Miles laughed, whilst the others looked at me confused.

"How even?" Rebecca asked.

"I don't know. But I have to take this." I dashed outside. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Ross?" Brady's brother, Luke, spoke on the phone. I replied yes. "I'm calling to let you know that Brady had a bit of a complication during the night."

"Wait, what happened?"

"Remember the random pains she had? Apparently her appendix was very close to bursting today, hence why she was in so much pain. But she's fine, she's been in surgery from half 4 in the morning until 6, but she's apparently fine, just sleeping off the anaesthetics." He explained. "I thought I would let you know because you guys seem like good friends?"

"I'm so sorry to hear; I have some stuff to clear up in the lab but I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Alright, man." He replied, hanging up. I sighed, walking back into the lab, removing the lab coat. Katie looked at me.

"Where are you going?"

"My friend, she's had emergency surgery so I'm going to check up on her during lunch time." I replied to her. "If that's cool with you guys?"

"Is she like, your girlfriend?" Gap threw in the question casually. And I lost it- my hands instantly became sweaty and I stuttered like hell.

"I-no. S-she's engaged."

"How old is your friend again?" Rebecca asked.

"20." I slipped my leather jacket on, watching jaws drop one by one. Miles commented to Jason, who traduced sign language.

"That's insane, Miles said."

"Pretty much." I exhaled. "Text me anything I miss!"


"I really didn't think they would let me in." I said as I approached Luke. "Where are the rest of you?"

"Gabi was taken to school against her will by Dad, who went to work and Mom's at home cooking for Brady because she doesn't trust hospital food." Luke then rolled his eyes. "And Edward is collecting coffee downstairs for himself and hopefully me."

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