20 : mine

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chill chapter for y'all but I seriously need to plan out some action

Ross Lynch

She was in my arms, and that was all that mattered as of now.

We could get nuked right now, and I wouldn't care (not like I would have the time do so anyway), because my main concern was sleeping in my arms.

I woke up at 6am, the usual time for me to go and shower but when I realised she was asleep on my chest, I didn't dare to move. It's now creeping up to 10am, and I have been very still ever since, occasionally dozing off.

It wasn't until she opened her eyes that I moved, and even then, I only moved to touch her hair. "I got so confused, I thought I was kidnapped or something."

"Not exactly; we just came back to my house, watched some movies and you fell asleep so I moved you back here with me." I smiled. "How do you manage to look so good when you wake up?"

"I woke up like this; and no, I'm as much of a mess as you are." Brady laughed. "I didn't realise your bed was this comfy."

"Did that have a double meaning?"


I laughed, and pulled her even closer to me. "How did you sleep though?"

"Great." She turned to face me. "You?"

"Good too." I moved a lock of her hair, that had loosened into soft waves. It suited her very much. Brady reached up, planting a peck on my lips.

"Can I take a shower?"

"Sure, you know where everything is at this point." I watched her get up. "But do you have to go now?"

"Someone's a bit needy." She winked.

"No, I just feel slightly ill and wanted to stay with you."

"I'll be back before you wake up again." She left a kiss on my forehead. "Sleep a little, you may feel better after."

"Wake me when you're done."

Bradley Carter

I didn't have the heart to wake him up. When I returned from the shower, his shirt was in a crumpled mess on the ground and he laid on his front, head buried into the pillow. He seemed redder, and sparklier; all it took was one touch to know he was sweating with a fever.

So I went to the kitchen and gathered supplies to make breakfast and dinner for him. I used my Mother's recipe for pancakes and then made chicken soup, one of the few things I knew how to do.

I set the plate on his nightstand and lightly shook him. "Yas."

"Even when you're sick, you're fabulous." I smiled. "I have food."

"I'm not too hungry unless you're on the menu."

I laughed, blushing at the comment. "You need to eat something so you can take some medicine of some sort."

"Fine." Eventually he gave in, and pulled himself upwards. For somebody with little to no appetite, he hovered my pancakes and drank juice as if his life depended on it.

"Is that a food baby I see?"

"Yes." He rubbed his stomach. "I'm going to shower and then we can watch a movie or something."

"Alright, I'll chill here." I smiled. It took a few minutes for the silence to be replaced by a small ding from Ross' phone.

I refrained from checking his phone, until the curiosity had the best of me.

The text was from 'Miles', talking about the 'lower Alkali metals' had 'arrived' and that he 'wants to help' him. I'm no chemist, but I know they are very reactive.

"Probably just science stuff." I turned over, laying on my side. At my level was a black leather notebook, and I didn't hesitate on reading.

I regretted it instantly.

Over the weeks, I pushed away the fact that he had killed a lot of people in the past years. But as I read these graphic descriptions including names, photos and general details.

I flicked to the last written page, Rebecca's. It was obvious it was him, I got it as soon as it came up on the news. Clever, but I have a brain.

I felt a picture on the page behind it, so I flicked to it.

There was a picture of me, asleep, and my details were filled in. All but one.


I slammed shut the book and put on a smile as he came into the room. His eyes widened. "You look like you were hit on the stomach."

Something like that. "Nah. How are you feeling?"

"Eh, better." He shrugged, checking his phone and typing up a reply before setting it down. He gestured for me to follow him to the living room, his hand interlocked with mine.

He could have killed my family, but his touch was still addictive. It created a response in me which no matter how hard I fought back, my body would give in.

But he has better plans for me. Plans which I am going to destroy, even if it kills me in the long run.

I'm afraid to say, but we are very quickly reaching an end *tear tear*

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