Chapter Eight

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It was now two days before Christmas. Two days before I jumped on a plane. Dana had now been back for two days, and it was soon my turn to leave but we had been inseparable ever since she made it through the arrivals gate at 4am. Everybody was outside chilling by the pool, but not quite wanting to get in. Despite the day being scorching hot, without a single cloud in the sky, the pool water was absolutely freezing. And all I could think about was Joe.

Christmas came and went, and I was now in the car with mum and Dana, on the way to the airport. It was 9pm by the time we got there, and my flight was due to leave at 11.30pm. I was nervous as last time I flew anywhere I was 15, and it was a family trip to Disneyland a month after dad left. And I have never flown alone. And I would soon be seeing family I haven't seen since I was 5. And I would soon be in the country I still considered home even though id lived in New Zealand almost my entire life. But again, due to these reasons I was excited.

I had told Dana that I would keep posting videos on the channel, mostly vlog type videos so she can see and show people at 'home' what I was doing and what a white Christmas was like. And so I could watch it all back in years to come. After leaving everybody so that I could go through security, I awkwardly looked around to see if anybody was watching me and pulled out my camera, before finding a corner to begin vlogging in.

'Alright, I have made it through security fine, now I just have to wait to board the plane to England. I'm so excited, but I'm also shitting my pants. Not literally though, thank god for that. I don't know what I'd do right now if I actually shat myself.'

I decided to leave that there, I was rambling and I didn't need someone to come around the corner to find me talking about pooing my pants. Ill vlog more on the plane.

Walking up the hallway thing which leads to the plane door, I turned on my camera, but didn't film myself, I filmed where I was walking, and actually stepping onto the plane. I turned it off so I could find my seat, and when I found it I sat down and waited till we were about to take off, before pulling out the camera again. I was near the back of the plane, and it seemed that nobody was in the seat next to me, so I had two seats to myself, and I sat in the window seat. As the plane began to take off, I filmed through the window, trying to be a bit arty with my video. Gotta use my first year of art school education somehow right?

Not long after the plane taking off, due to the fact it was now midnight and I'm not really that great at staying up late, I fell straight asleep, listening to the music which was quietly playing through my headphones.

Next thing I knew I was being woken by none other than the Joseph Sugg!

WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?

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