Authors Note

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Hey guys!

Sorry this isn't a chapter update, but i thought I would quickly just tell you a little bit about me. My name actually is Briony, and this story is quite closely based on my current life. My dad did leave our family about four years ago now, and he does live in the uk. We still talk to him almost everyday on skype. 

I have an older brother who is 21, and a younger sister who is 14, and I am 19. I haven't decided yet but they may come into the story at some point. I do live in New Zealand, and was born in the uk, moving to NZ when I was 5.  I do study fine art in one of the biggest cities in NZ, and have just finished my first year and have three years more studying to do. 

I love the british youtubers, after discovering them when I was meant to be doing my assignments (oops). I particularly like Joe (if you couldn't tell by this fanfic)  and have been reading lots of fanfics since I finished uni and they have inspired me to write this one. 

It would be super awesome if you guys had any suggestions for this story, anything you would like to happen or just any ideas in general. Just leave a comment and I plan on reading and taking into consideration anything as I don't really have a direction for this story, I just kinda sit down and write. 

Also so far every person in this story is based off somebody I know (except Joe because I only know him via the internet, much like many others) and their names have been changed ( except Corey, I do have a flatmate named Corey)

Also just wanna say thank you for reading this story and I hope you enjoy it! 

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