Chapter Two

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By the time my stomach was growling uncontrollably, I had already watched almost all the videos that had come up in my subscriptions box that day. I picked up my phone, not to see if I had any messages or notifications, I knew that I wouldn't have any of those. I had a few friends but they had exams and other things to do today. I looked at the time. It was already 2:36 pm. Maybe I should get up and eat. I managed to climb out of bed and walk upstairs to the kitchen. Rummaging through the cupboard, I found some pasta and a pasta bake sauce. 'If I make this now, then I can have some of the leftover pasta bake for dinner. Sounds like a good plan', I said to myself, as I begun to boil water to cook the pasta.

To help pass the time I played some music from my phone, dancing around the kitchen and belting out the lyrics almost as loud as I could. I got so lost in the moment, I forgot that where I lived, was a little cul-de-sac of about 40 houses, and if I looked out of my kitchen window, I could see into about 4 other houses kitchens. By the time I opened my eyes and stopped dancing to check on the pasta, at least 2 of the neighbours had seen me dancing like a crazy person in my kitchen, and were staring at me through the window. I was super embarrassed, but at least they couldn't hear my singing. I'm not quite tone deaf, but I did trial for Xfactor when it came to New Zealand, and I didn't get past the pre-auditions so I'll just leave it at that. I finished cooking the pasta, stirred through the sauce and grated cheese on the top, before putting it in the oven. I sunk down onto the floor in front of the oven, so that I wouldn't be tempted to embarrass myself again. Not today at least.

I kept singing along to the music on my phone, and begun to scroll through social media, just to see if anything interesting was happening. As usual, it wasn't. When the pasta bake was cooked, I filled a bowl with the steaming hot cheesy pasta before stuffing my mouth full. Within minutes, the entire bowl was empty but I felt better, but also sick from eating too fast. I went back down stairs into my 'cave' as my mum called it, due to the fact that I spent so much time in there compared to the time I spent with my flatmates or actually going out and talking to other people. It's not my fault I seem to have become addicted to so many YouTubers, mainly the British ones, and I can spend days watching them and feeling like a part of their lives, which are so much more interesting than mine. Ok maybe it's a little bit my fault but I wouldn't change it, not now anyway.

Placing the laptop on my desk, I cleared space so that I could work on one of my final assignments for the year, for which I had to recreate my wallet as a sculpture, only using paper, tape and glue. I had decided to only use white paper, as it gave the object a more sculptural look to it. I had music playing on my laptop, headphones plugged in so that if anybody came home they wouldn't notice I was here. I didn't really feel like talking to anybody today. Don't get me wrong, I love my flatmates to pieces, they are really sweet, genuine people but even after living with them for 10 months, I still wasn't the most confident around them and I still found it awkward talking to them most of the time. I was by far the youngest in my flat, I am 19, Cassidy is 24, Corey is also 24 and his girlfriend Gabby is 27. I'm like the baby. A notification popped up on my screen, telling me that one of my best friends was online on skype. She is currently in Argentina volunteering at an orphanage and travelling around parts of South America. Clicking the video call button, I called her whilst singing along to my music, she wouldn't care if I was singing when she picked up, I'd known her for 8 years now so she should be used to it.


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