Chapter Nine

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'C'mon babe, get up. You need to wake up now. We have to goooo!' Joe said, trying to drag me out of bed.

'Nooo... the bed is too warm and cozzyyy...' I sleepily replied


I sat up hurriedly, like they do in movies when they have suddenly remembered something. I looked around, realising that I was not in a bed with Joe next to me, but still on the plane.

Wait, I was on a plane?

Oh yeah, that's right, I was on my way to England. God that must have been a deep sleep for me to momentarily forget that. Ok so Joe wasn't with me, I was not his babe, and I am on a flight.

I pulled out my camera, to tell the camera/Dana about the dream I just had. I had to whisper as many of the other people on the plane were asleep. I turned the camera to look out the window, showing them the sunrise I was currently seeing. I turned the camera back onto me, pulled a stupid face and switched it off, and realised that the YouTube boyband song was playing on my phone. I had a silly little dance party by myself in my seat before realising that one other passenger was watching me, and he was pretty attractive. To be honest he looked a little like Joe Sugg. But it can't be him. Just a few more hours and id be in England with my dad.

I had just got through security, and I was walking through the arrivals gate, looking around for my dad. Before long, I saw him standing with my grandparents, looking on his phone while they were talking about something. I pulled my backpack further up on my shoulders and readjusted my hand on my suitcase handle before running as fast as I could, weaving through the other passengers and dropped my suitcase at his feet and hugging him before he knew what had happened. When he realised it was me he hugged me back as tight as he could. Thank god it actually was him. Imagine how embarrassing it would have been if it was somebody else.

Looking out the window, driving down the motorway away from Heathrow airport, and seeing the small amount of snow made me feel like I was meant to be here, like I had come home. It was oddly comforting. I definitely prefer winter and autumn compared to summer and spring. I hated being too hot, and winter meant all the knitted jumpers and boots and tights and I just definitely preferred it.

With the YouTube boyband playing again in my ears, we eventually pulled up to my grandparents' house in Enfield, which is a bit further north east than London. My auntie and cousins were there waiting for our arrival and all stood waving out the window as it was freezing outside. Just the way I like it.

Clambering out of the car, I took my headphones off and turned off the music and took my suitcase from the car and we all piled inside the small flat, where a big Christmas lunch was spread across the table waiting for us. The house looked almost identical to what I remember from being here when I was small.

After stuffing ourselves so full we could barely speak, we got comfortable on the couch and put on a Christmas movie, before dozing off all snuggled up on the couch.

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