Chapter Six

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A Few weeks had passed since I received that message from my dad. I tried to not think about it too much, but it was always on my mind, no matter what I did. I had been uploading a few videos for Dana when I could, I think there was about 10 videos on there now. Some were vlog type videos, a couple were singing/ baking videos, and a couple were ones where I just sat and talked to her about random things that were happening or whatever. As far as I knew Dana had received the login that I had sent her but she hadn't said anything about the videos so I wasn't sure if she had watched them. I wasn't too bothered about it yet anyway, I was too focused on my portfolio.

Which brings me back to the idea dad had. I still hadn't asked him what his idea was, I wasn't planning to ask till after I had my results. He also hadn't mentioned anything about it so fingers crossed its nothing horrible. The main thing that made me curious was why I had to get a good mark on my portfolio. Either way I was just gonna go with it.

To distract myself from the thought of what it could be, which wasn't actually helping me with anything, I decided I would film a video for Dana. Baking I think was going to be today's video. I love baking. I found it rather relaxing. And you get to eat it after. I think today I'm going to make cookies. Double chocolate cookies. Then I can have cookies and milk in bed.

After baking a giant batch of cookies, I went back downstairs to begin to collate my work for my exhibition portfolio. It was currently Monday afternoon, and I have to go and speak to my lecturer's tomorrow morning to show them and discuss my selection of artwork for the folio. And then the portfolio has to be pinned on the wall on Wednesday, with the exhibition on Friday night. I'm so nervous but to be honest I don't know why. The exhibition isn't really a big deal, it's just something the uni does to show off basically.

Later that night

I finally decided that since my portfolio is due this week that I would ask my dad what his big idea was. I'm super nervous, but also super excited to find out. After talking to him for a little while, I decided it was time to ask him what he was thinking.

'Hey Dadddd.......'

'Yeahhhh?' he replied, seeming very confused.

'You know how you messaged me a few weeks ago telling me you had an idea....'

'You want to know what it was don't you.'

'Kind of yeah.'

'ok, I was thinking, that if you get a good grade for your portfolio, that you could maybe come spend like a month over here or something before you go back to uni'

'OH MY GOD! That would be so freaking awesome! I would love that!' I practically yelled at him through skype.

'But there is a few little things first. One, you have to get at least a B grade or higher on your portfolio, and two, you have to speak to your mother about it'

I agreed to those terms, and then dad had to leave as he had to go to work. Convincing my mother shouldn't be too hard...I hope. She knew id wanted to go back there, I tried to convince her at the end of last year to let me go over there and live with dad for a year but she made me go to university as apparently having a gap year wasn't good enough. Maybe since I've already started uni she will let me go, especially since there was the intention of returning for the second year of uni. I guess convincing her will be tomorrow's job. For now I think I'm just going to upload the baking video for Dana and then snuggle up in bed and watch a bit of the bae, Joe Sugg.

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