Chapter Seven

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Convincing mum was definitely easier than I thought it would be. It was now the week after my exhibition, I'm not meant to get my results back till next week but I have to reapply online for next year. And the form was put online today so I may as well fill it out now while I was sitting back home at my mums house with nothing better to do. Well I could do some housework for mum but I think I'll leave that for some other time.

I logged into my account on the university web page, to find a notification telling me that my results are online right now. I just sat there in disbelief (uni never has anything on time, let alone a week early!) before clicking onto the page which would reveal my results, telling me if I had passed, and if my mark was good enough to travel half away across the world for about a month.

Hovering the mouse over the results page I closed my eyes, not knowing whether or not I actually wanted to know. I mean, of course I wanted to know if I passed and if I would be flying to the other side of the world in a few weeks' time.

I clicked on it, only to have to click on something else to find out what my portfolio exhibition result was. This time, taking a deep breath, I clicked on the link which showed me my result and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Of course I had passed, I didn't really have any doubt that I would pass, (not trying to be cocky) but I didn't think that it would be this kind of mark. I thought I would maybe get a c, but I actually got a b+. I just sat there staring at the screen before my mum walked in.

'What are you staring at?' she questioned, her voice sounding very confused.

My reply sounded very monotonous, and was simply, 'I passed'.

'Wait what?' my mum replied, obviously confused as to why I didn't seem excited. 'Did you not get a good mark or something? Why aren't you happy?'

'I'm definitely happy, it means I managed to do something right, I got a b+ actually. But I think it just set in that I'll be in England for a month.'

Now that I had said that, I think it really began to sink in that I was going overseas. And back to England, to see people that I have not seen since I was 5 years old. I was super excited but then thinking about seeing people that I hadn't seen for 14 years. That's a really long time.

Before long I found myself looking up flights to the UK. I've decided that I am going to after Christmas, but by that I literally mean Christmas night or Boxing Day, so that I can sort of have Christmas with my dad for the first time in the last 4 years. I guess I'll have to talk to dad first but maybe Christmas night will be good. And it also has cheaper flights than almost any other day.

Talking to dad later that night, we both agreed that I would fly out on Christmas night. This means that I get to see Dana when she comes back, although it will be only a few days as she gets back on the 21st of December. And then I get to spend Christmas with mums side of the family before jumping on a plane and flying for about 24 hours, halfway across the world to then spend Christmas with my dad's side of the family, since the uk is 13 hours behind us it might actually still be Christmas when I get there.

The next thought that went through my mind was:

What if I somehow, for some reason, end up meeting Joseph Sugg?! 

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