Chapter Ten (Part Two)

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Jetlag was a bitch. I had been woken up by my dad so that I could sleep at actual night time, as it was now 4.30pm, but I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. It was already quite dark outside too, which wasn't helping for sure.

My grandad had suggested we go for a little trip into London, to see the lights they had up and just for a little wander around the streets as I hadn't been there in 14 years. I slept on the trip there, but the lights and chilly wind outside were keeping me awake for now. And I kept getting tweets. I had been given a UK phone to use whilst I was here, so naturally I added all of my social media to the phone. I was trying to vlog all of the Christmas lights, but trying to talk to the camera started to get a bit harder when every few minutes my phone would ding with a twitter notification. Many of them complimenting me on singing or telling me I should do this full time. What the hell are they on about?!

After some more walking I got a message from Dana on Facebook. The message said please don't hate me, I did this for you. I was super confused, but just assumed she had sent the message to the wrong person. We walked around a bit more, before going home and crashing as soon as our heads hit the pillow.

I suddenly woke up. In the middle of the night. But I was wide awake. God damn jetlag. Looking at the time, it was 3am here, meaning it was about 2/3pm in New Zealand. I lay in bed, scrolling through my twitter, still confused as to how so many random people online knew who I was and what I could do and had been doing. And it then suddenly hit me and I sat straight up. YouTube.

I quietly but quickly found my laptop in my luggage and turned it on plugging in my headphones so I didn't wake everybody else up. I went online and straight onto YouTube and right there, on the account I had made, almost every video was a publicly viewable video. I was fuming. I messaged dana on Facebook telling her that I was super annoyed that she had done that and went into my subscription box to watch the videos I had missed out on whilst travelling. Hopefully this will calm me down.

After what seemed like minutes, I heard somebody else get up. I looked at the clock and it was just after 7am. Dana had messaged me back many times, but I had ignored them. I wasn't planning on ignoring them forever, but hopefully it gets the message across that I am really mad. After watching the last video on the playlist, which just happened to be a Thatcher Joe video, I felt a lot calmer and even a lot happier. It had reminded me that I was in the UK with my family, and I only had a short time here so need to enjoy myself and not spend my time being angry.

I mean it's not that bad is it? Looking at the subscribers grow was actually kind of nice. It meant people actually liked me and wanted to see more of my life.

It can't be that bad to be a youtuber, can it??

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