No Memory

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I awoke to find myself lying on a wooden bench in the middle of a grassy field. I sat up, and was met with a pounding headache. A newspaper blew by me, and I grabbed it. On the front page was "Demon Family Killed By Demon Hunter Pacifica Northwest."

The picture below the title was of a girl with long, bleach-blonde hair, and blue eyes which were brought out by all of her make-up. She wore a white short-sleeved shirt, a brown vest, tan shorts, and black boots. Around her, she had a bow and a quiver of arrows. She seemed to be running away from a house that was on fire, and she was grinning from ear to ear.

The picture made me shiver, and I let go of the paper. I tried to remember how I got here. Nothing. I didn't even remember what my name was. I looked down at my attire to see if I can find clues about myself.

I saw that I was wearing black boots, black pants, a white dress shirt, and a black vest. My yellow hair was short and spikey, and I seemed to be wearing a locket in the shape of a bow tie. My clothes were torn and dirty.

I stood up, and decided to walk into town. Maybe I can find someone that can help me. Two demons that were my age noticed me, and walked up to me.

One was a girl, and the other was a boy. They seemed to be twins, and they extended their hands.

"Hi," the girl said. "My name is Mabel, and this is my brother Dipper. What's your name?"

"I don't remember my name," I answered. "I woke up on that bench over there. That's all I remember."

"Oh, you poor boy," Mabel said, frowning.

"You must come with us," Dipper said. "You aren't safe with Pacifica loose."

"You need a name," Mabel said. "Hey, what about William?"

William. That name sounded great. I nodded.

"Okay, from now on, we will call you William," Dipper said. "We'll bring you home with us. We'll try and help you remember your life."

As we walked off to their home, I felt that someone was watching us. I turned around, but saw nobody. I ran after Dipper and Mabel. They will help me. I was so happy.

Demon With Nothing Left (EDITED 5/31/17)Where stories live. Discover now