Chapter 15

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General Morton stroked his refined pointy beard, smoking a cigar as he peered out the window of his office; his army of devotes went about their usual jobs of making excellent soldiers. Tapping the ivory skull ornament on his concrete slab of a desk, his opal ring with an 'X' mark tapped a DUM-DUM-DUM rhythm. Swerving his chair to the sound of the double metal doors opening, the two newly caught prisoners stumbled through, kneeling before him.

Unfazed, Morton sucked on his cigar, walked over and blew on Junayd's face. He spluttered with a coughing fit. Shanaz stiffened, a sudden distant thought erupted her mind, the place around her familiar. She glanced to the side to see those deadly icy eyes focused on his master.

"Ah I see you finally caught Deserter Darzi," Morton spoke in a low rumble before slapping the back of Junayd's head. "Really man, did you think we wouldn't catch you?" His amber eyes flashed towards her. "And finally I have found you, my –"

"Prisoner 786."

Morton motioned to the man, who vigilantly strode forward, removing his obscure veil. A long scar smeared horizontal from the corner of his right lip. He glared down at her.

"Well Captain Isaac Collins, finally someone who knows who to do their job"

"Isaac," she whispered, turning to the master she once served. The once fifteen year old boy, who talked to her, treated her like a human now stood, glaring at her, a man of thirty whose fine lines witnessed atrocities in his life. Her heart wanted to leap with joy, but her mind registered that he showed no pleasure to see her.

"Do you know him?" Morton inquired, but she continued to stare at Isaac. Morton spoke again, louder, making her gasp.

"I thought I did. Now I'm not so sure."

"Ha!" He began, glancing at the two. "Memories like to play tricks on us. Haunt us. I bet you've forgotten who I am?"

She edged away from his closeness, shaking her head. "Why would I know someone like you?"

"You of course have a point. Only important people know who I am, but it's surprising because you my dear are indeed very important to a lot of people. Well parts of you anyway." He stood up, running his tanned hands over his stark bald head. "So Captain, what fit punishment have you thought for Sergeant – sorry, Deserter Darzi?"

"I have a score to settle with him." Isaac proclaimed, smirking his scarred lips, triumphant at his enemies capture.

"Let him go," Shahnaz demanded.

Morton released a haughty laugh, hardly able to breathe. "Oh she's a fighter huh. Very demanding. Dear," he stepped in closer, "you are in no position to be bloody demanding."

Jaw clenched so hard, she thought her teeth would grind out. As Morton turned his attention to Junayd, Shahnaz reflected a moment, something cloudy. Stark white light, chemicals, bullets, and a man –

She titled her head towards Junayd. Yes! It was him, slightly younger then but she recognised the smile he gave as he wrapped his jacket around her, protecting her modesty. A quick glance to Isaac and she saw his menacing eyes widen, pulling the trigger on that woman. And that surgeon, making a list of things he needed from her body.

"I know you want my blood," Shahnaz stated, catching the men of guard. "It's – universal but why would you want my lungs?"

As soon as she said it, she knew the reason why, yet she waited for the affirmation. Looking at Junayd, she smiled, a sign showing she knew it was him all along. He closed his eyes, the corner of his mouth lifted slightly, but soon returned back to his straight face. Isaac huffed, shaking his head towards the ceiling.

"You," Isaac began with a note of scorn rising in his throat, "are the most stupid woman I've ever come across. Why do you think we've been wearing gas masks and you walk around in the open air?"

The vein on Shahnaz's forehead pulsed louder. "You want my lungs so you can breathe the air outside," she guessed, shuddering. "But how is that even possible?"

Morton slowly clapped his loud hands. "My oh my – at least she isn't the stupid kind, bloody clueless about it. Kind of cute when the whimper 'oh why am I here –what do you want from me.' Ha!" He wiped a mocking tear as Isaac joined in the mockery. "It's refreshing stuff."

Junayd turned to her, discreetly shaking his head. She glared at Morton, her innocent eyes inflamed fury.

"I didn't want to wake up in a world covered in blood and dirt. And I didn't survive this long, only to be captured by the likes of you. You're NOTHING but evil and my Almighty Lord will give you such a punishment –"

A sudden pain slapped against her wounded cheek. Isaac gripped her shirt, pulling onto her feet. "How dare you speak to General Morton, in that manner?"

"Enough!" boomed Morton, waving his hand offhandedly. "I want her in good, fit condition, not injured beyond repair."

Junayd grunted, as she collapsed on the concrete floor.

"Listen General, surely we can make a deal or something?" Junayd growled, catching the boss in his stare. "I know you're a man who loves to bargain, loves a good old trial by combat. Granted that me and Isaac have a score to settle so how about this." He shuffled slightly, adjusting his stance. "Me and Isaac will fight to the death. If I lose, you can have her; do whatever the hell you want with her. But if I win I'm leaving this place unharmed, with her alive. No one follows us."

Morton stifled a laugh, glancing at all three. "My, what a proposition? What do you say Captain?"

"He's in no place to negotiate."

"Is that all you can say," Junayd taunted, rolling his eyes. "I know deep down you're a coward and you can't face me in combat because you know I'll beat you."

Isaac edged forward, ready to smack him.

"No, stop it Captain. Darzi has a point." General Morton whispered taking him to the side, "This is the best situation to prove to him you can beat him."

Taking the chance to speak, Shahnaz turned to Junayd. "Are you crazy? I can't lose you. Not like this."

Isaac's ears picked up on the little exchange, witnessing how her concerned heart beat for the other. He nodded to General Morton's advice.

"So it is settled. Deserter Darzi," he strolled towards him, "do you think you'll be ready for your combat?"

"Before sunset," Junayd uttered loudly and confidently. "Give your boys some real good entertainment before bedtime."

Shahnaz shook her head, tears falling like the rain. "No," she whispered.

General Morton nodded approvingly. "You've got six hours till show time."

"Fine," Isaac said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Then be prepared to meet your maker."

A rough shuffle moved the two prisoners onto their feet. Junayd nudged ahead, walking with his head held high, his stare not leaving his former friend. Shahnaz was shoved harshly back, an intense glare at the man she wished to reconcile with. Isaac discreetly shook his head, tight so no one would notice. Shahnaz blinked several times, trying to understand what the little gestured meant.

Friend or foe? She thought as left the room, only to be separated from Junayd.

A/N – Wow fifteen years of atrocities made Captain Isaac into a killer. And what do you think about the little discreet signal he gave to Shahnaz? Is he a friend or foe? And General Morton – thoughts? Comment them away and hit that star symbol why don't you ;) X

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