Chapter 12

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Her singing voice, heartbroken with lament sent suppressed sadness in her fans hearts as they swayed to her hypnotic words. Closing her eyes, a few times, she let the words, a ballad capture her hidden, bruised love.

I am-yet what I am none care or knows;

My friends forsake me like a memory lost:

I am the self-consumer of my woes-

They rise and vanish in oblivious host,

Like shadows in love's frenzied stifled throes

And yet I am, and live-like vapours tossed

Tilting her head back, her hand reached ahead, her voice booming though the speakers. The ethereal light rose up, to the heavens.

I long for scenes where man hath never trod

A place where woman never smiled or wept

There to abide with my Creator, God,

And sleep as I in childhood sweetly slept,

Untroubling and untroubled where I lie

The grass below, above the vaulted sky.

Thunderous clapping, whistling and cheering drowned the singer's choked cry as the lights darkened. The bodyguard backstage led the main star to her room, pushing past the crew and props.

Once inside, the celebrated singer Azra Shah sat at her makeup stand, worn out. Patting the table for her brush, she hummed a tune to revive her soul.

Ketchup switched his head back and forth, ushering Shahnaz to follow closely, keeping low and fast. Arriving at the corridor, he saw the bodyguard stationed outside the door, bulky arms across his chest.

"This could be a problem," he said, leaning against the wall, he tightly shook his head.

Taking a peek, she lowered her hat. "Are you sure she's in there?"

"You know what you gonna say to her?"

"I don't know where to start? Hey, look over there."

Ketchup glanced back; a burlesque dancer in pink feathers and black underwear embrace the bodyguard, coaxing him to the side room. He gave into her seduction and disappeared into a room a few doors down.

"Oh sweet Cinnamon, you little minx," he whispered, fist bumping the air. "They'll be going at it for an hour. C'mon."

Shahnaz tiptoed, the distance to the room holding her sister seemed daunting.

"Where's Junayd?" She asked, peering back. "He should be here."

"Don't worry about him."

"What about you?"

"I'll keep watch. I'll only come in when we got company." He smirked, sticking a thumb near her face. "Good luck."

"Thank you Ketchup," she said, holding his shoulder, "for getting me here."

He nodded, ushering her in.

Azra touched her red lips when she heard a click of her door close.

"Who goes there?" She demanded, irritation rising.

Shahnaz crept towards her, slowly, her voice and brain refusing to link. "It's me. I've come to -"

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