Chapter 14

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10th February 2021 – Shahnaz

Where are my arms? Why can't I feel my feet?

The stark white light hurt my eyes, the harsh light engulfed me. I moved my head to the side, a sharp contorted pain jolted down my spine, through my nervous system. Hands, feet and all of me was intact, except for the feeling behind my neck aggravated my mind.

Finding the will to move again, I peered down, only to see my naked body, the dirty cloth covered my breasts and gentiles, only enough. The rest of my skin was on display. Trying to breathe, I tried craning my head back; looking past me, but whatever was positioned at my neck caused more searing pain.

A sinister laugh to my left, left me gasping, as the tiny hairs on my body stuck up in trepidation.

"Specimen – human, No. 786. Blood type is O negative. Need parts of her lung and one litre of blood."

"What are you doing to me?" I managed to croak out.

Hearing the click of a pen, I smelt the rotten breath of the speaker.

"Why did we even get rid of her?" he said, clearly not talking to me.

"We didn't," said another voice, female, but squeaky like a mouse. "She was taken. She could hardly run away."

"No one runs away and lives to tell what happened," the rotten breath man snapped back.

"Please let me go," I pleaded.

The man laughed. "Oh my silly girl, why would I do that? You are indeed perfect."

A shuffle to the side and a mask sucked around my mouth, pumping in a chemical I didn't want to breathe.

"Don't worry my dear you won't be missing that much."

One moment he towered above me. The next his head collided with the IV drips and monitors, setting a heavy shower of sparks, sizzling away.

The bang of bullets pumping tore the operation room; pieces of glass fell down on me, not before a bubble of protection smacked it away. Explosions, bullets rang out but none had harmed me. My drowsy eyes soon opened. The chemical mask ripped away, moaning at the wave of air surging my lungs. Like a thorn pulled out, the plug wedged in my neck and lower spine left, my nervous system tingling my limbs to life.

The smoke cleared and amongst the rubble stood a man, a young dark skinned man, covered in dust, but something was familiar about him. A hazy figure invaded my mind but I couldn't remember. Yanking of his jacket he wrapped it around me, tenderly, like someone who cared so much about me and I didn't know who this man was.

"It's alright Shahnaz. I've got you."

"Who – who are you?"

"No one important," he replied, a smile so radiant, I couldn't remember the last time anyone had smiled like that.

Fighting the urge not to cry, I was carried into his arms. He placed me over his shoulder. In that swift movement I saw a pair of ice blue eye, his mouth hidden behind the black veil. He dragged the female, who hid under the bed, by her arm, placing the gun into her mouth.


Blood splattered, body limp, the man pulled his scarf down, revealing a smear of a knife scar across his lips.

A/N – Yes it's a filler chapter. But it's crucial, especially for the next chapter as you will meet the mysterious man with the blue eyes and the villain – General Morton who wants Shahnaz for his wicked purpose.

Anyway tap that star and leave a comment. I want to know what you think. Can you predict what'll happen? Do you think we'll see Isaac? After all Azra bitterly said, "You don't really want to know what happened."

Have a great day wherever you are in the big wide world. X

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