Chapter 8

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"How far is Obsidian Valley?"

Junayd took off the safety catch and aimed it between the trees. They had stopped by a river bend. Shahnaz held the large water tank upright and filled the water in a medium sized jug. As she filled the last jug full, she shut the lid tight, rolling onto its side. Like pushing a car uphill, she put her arm and back muscles into it, getting the tank of water to the jeep. All the while Junayd scanned the dusty surroundings, alert of anything that moved. It may have been late afternoon, but there was danger.

Shahnaz was thankful she had a chance to bathe. Since the Crawlers attacked at the army camp, the sticky and grimy sweat held to her skin. Stretching her back with the pain caused by the strenuous exercise, Junayd passed his gun to her and rolled the water tank without much effort. He titled his head towards the jeep and Shahnaz climbed through.

The door shut behind her, the monitor beeped five long times as the air suction sucked out the 'contaminated air' Junayd had describe. Shahnaz crawled to the passenger seat, stopping suddenly on hearing a robotic voice.


She met his gaze as he removed his gas mask.

"You didn't answer my question?"

"I would have," he corrected, adjusting the rear view mirror. "But we were vulnerable outside. Those Crawlers could have been hiding. I couldn't risk taking that chance."

She strapped herself in, looking at the barren land. "They're active during the day?"

He nodded. "They are unpredictable."

He drove at 40 miles per hour, maybe even faster, the dirt rolling under the tyres and the sun casting longer shadows with every mile stretched.

"We should reach the valley by tomorrow, but we need to stay somewhere safe."

"You said there was hope at the valley. What kind?"

Junayd bit his lower lip. "Somewhere you can be safe from Crawlers."

Finding any risen earth in form of a hill was hard to discover, as the Great Explosion of 2015 had flattened most of the land, until Shahnaz pointed at the radar and Junayd followed through. Stopping a hundred meters before the opening of a cave he killed the engine and the lights, the darkness engulfed them. 

"Wait here," he said, strapping on the gasmask and jumping out the driver's door.

Before Shahnaz could protest, the door slammed and she recoiled behind the dashboard, peeking as he carefully stayed to the side of the jeep.  Throwing a flare torch into the cave he held back aiming the shot gun. The red flame glowed around the rough cave walls, but nothing had stirred.

Backtracking, Junayd got into the jeep and took of his gasmask.

"Is it safe?"

"It should be, but we won't go out there yet."

Starting the vehicle, he reversed parked into the cave, and turned off the engine.

"What now?"

"Now," he said, flicking a switch. "We hide and pray they won't come in here."

Shahnaz sank into her seat, staring at how the front screen blackened from the outside and caused a tint from the inside. Junayd picked up an electronic slate, touched some screen and the CCTV footage covering 360 degrees around the jeep appeared.

"Do you want to eat something?" she asked, feeling useless from sitting in the passenger seat.

He ushered her to the back, holding the slate. "Don't use the gas. The fumes might alert them." He went to a side cabinet and fisted a handful of packaged food. "Eat these and drink up." He then stood behind the driver's seat, peering from the front windscreen to the slate and so forth.

Shahnaz scooped a cup of water from the tank and handed the metal cup to him. Without looking he placed it to his lips, but in deep concentration the water spilled down his top. In an instant reaction he dropped the slate, but Shahnaz caught it, holding it to her chest.

"Damn!" he said, inspecting his chest. "Take over."

She stuttered not knowing what to do. She copied his actions from before, clueless.

Junayd took of his jacket and pulled his top above his head. Shahnaz lowered her gaze, until something so profound caught her eye. It wasn't the gun or knife scares his shoulders bore. Around his neck was a golden amulet, the name of Allah SWT in Arabic, reflected from the interior dim light.

A memory scanned before her eyes. She remembered something hazy. It was coming back to her.

"I know you," she slowly said, pointing at him.

"What do you mean?" He paused to dress, the neck of his new top near his naked chest.

"I saved you fifteen years ago. I remember now." She walked towards him. "I had it on me and when I woke up it wasn't around my neck. It must have fallen off when I saved you."

He moved away from her, heading to the driver's seat, eyes shifting. "Many people have this necklace." He snatched the slate from her.

"There should be a small – the letter S carved on the back, because my brother and sister had the same one, but with their initials." 

Junayd halted, turning the amulet around. As she stood in front of him, he clasped his hands around it.

"I know it's there."

"I have no idea what you're –"

"Then show me," She demanded.


"What the hell!" He grabbed the slate, his brown eyes widen. "Strap in."

He grabbed the wheel, turned the ignition and sped straight from the cave. Shahnaz struggled to click the safety belt as her body bounced from the speeding car. It was only when she stared at the radar screen did she see tiny red dots, like an army of small red ants scuttle to the centre. 

60 mph. 70 mph. Continuing to speed at further, Junayd roared, gripping and turning the wheel to avoid the Crawlers, coming to attack from every angle. Feeling as though the keep was souring through the air Shahnaz stared frantically at him.

"Press that yellow button!!"

Panicked, she slammed her palm on yellow button and heard the wiring sound from the back door.

"Shoot them!"


"From the damn screen!!"

Shahnaz saw the game console system on the same slate. One motion of her fingers would position the guns stationed at the back of the jeep and repeatedly jamming her finger on the other side of the screen would release the bullets.


Above her a helmet landed on her head and her seat swung 180 degrees. Covering her face, the visor screen in front of her eyes transformed to the back of the jeep, as if she sat behind the machine guns. Instantly she fired the guns using the electronic slate, shifting in her seat for a better view.

Crawlers attacked in twos and threes, leaping high to grab the gun. But the rapid firing caught most of guard.

Junayd accelerated towards 140mph as he clicked the button to the front, the gun rising, pumping and pounding 180 rounds per minute. Immediately the Crawlers that were about to dive straight blew apart from the impact. Speeding at 200mph, the Crawlers had no chance to catch up.

Yanking the helmet off, she switched the seat around and stared at the radar, the red dots disappearing from the bottom screen. Junayd slowed down, but kept it over 70 as they made their way to sunrise.

A/N – well now she knows him and he knows her. What could be more awkward? Did you like this chapter – or hate it? Let me know lovely readers. Comment below anything you like or just didn't get. It'll help me plan out the future chapters. xx

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