Chapter 10

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Junayd hopped out the jeep and tossed the gas mask behind the seat.

Shahnaz smirked at his new upbeat vibe. "I guess you don't need it then?"

"I told you we're safe here."

She walked around the vehicle, resting a hand on the door as he strapped a bag over his shoulder.

"How long have you been here?"

"A couple of years," he said, shrugging the odd shoulder as he slammed the door. "We need to see the mayor."

"Mayor," she echoed.

"The man in charge, after all someone needs to be in charge."

She nodded, following him through growing crowd of people going about their busy lives. Walking slightly behind, she observed many strange things, from rainbow spectrum scarf's to spanners, jewellery and knifes, the bric-à-brac collection of things salvaged after the Explosion.

Junayd dodged to the side, placing his hand on her arm, as an elderly shepherd pushed a dozen sheep ahead. He led her to the side, hands still linked till they arrived on a narrow path leading up the valley. Shahnaz shielded her eyes from the extensive walk.

Suddenly a motorbike rolled down, towards them, the gangly youth hopping off. Pulling off the goggles, his wide-gap toothy smile complimented his wiry blond hair.

"Hey Darzi," he yelled, although the distance of talk was safe.

"I'm not deaf, Ketchup," Junayd responded, wobbling his ear.

Ketchup giggled. "Oh man I'm only teasing. Hey, who's the chick?"

Shahnaz smiled, waving an unsure hand in greeting.

"Just a chick you don't need to worry about. Is the Mayor home?"

"Pfft," the youth replied. "I doubt it. Why you asking?"

Junayd nodded, retreating. "How about Dr Leo?"

"Oh he's at the kranken."

"Cool," he said, shifting to the side as Ketchup got on the bike. "Take care man. And don't be chasing some skirt."

Ketchup's eyes widened. "I'm deeply insulted. I shall only pick the best." He rolled down, before winking at her.

Disappearing, Shahnaz turned to him. "The kranken?"

"The krankenhaus is the hospital," he said, walking past the path they would have taken. "Don't ask me why they used the German word."

"Maybe a German made the hospital."

He smirked, still keeping to the side.

Dr. Leo Tresler, a fifty year old medical doctor, pushed his spectacle up as he scribbled a few notes. Huffing in annoyance he tossed the pen to the side, rubbing his chin in thought.

A knock on the door interrupted him. Junayd crept in as Shahnaz sat in the seating area outside.

"Oh so you decided to come back," Dr. Leo stated, swerving the chair around. "Found anything useful?"

Junayd shook his head. "Not much really, but I found someone."

"Finally," the doctor praised, leaping up. "You're going to settle down. Who's the lucky girl?"

"Outside," he mocked, shaking his head. "No doctor. I found her in the desert. The Crawlers were there."

"That's odd. And she wasn't eaten?"

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