Chapter 29: Stolen Memories

Start from the beginning

-Lucy P.O.V-
Natsu and Erza had both left. I laid quietly in my bed, as if I was waiting for my memories to return to me.
I sat up. There were my head? I glanced around the room, double checking that I was alone.
Come to me...
"Who are you?" I asked nervously.
Their lying to you. They're all lying...
"D-Don't mess with my head..." I muttered.
"I trust them-"
Why? Why do you trust them? What knowledge do you have to believe what they say? They could all be tricking you...deceiving you...
"Are you Lucifer?" I asked, looking up. "Did you take my memories?"
Lucy...THEY took your memories.
"N-No..." I stuttered, putting my hands on my ears. "They told me-"
Lies. They told you lies, Lucy. Now, come with me. You'll be safe.
A light appeared at the other side of the room. It seemed welcoming, and warm.
Step into the light, Lucy. Come home to me.
I swung my feet off the bed, and slowly stood up. My eyes glistened in the light ahead of me.
Small tears fell softly down my cheeks, as I stepped towards it.
Well done, Lucy. Well done.
The light was directly in front of me. I inhaled...and stepped forward.

-Erza P.O.V-
It didn't feel right leaving Lucy on her own.
"Natsu, I'm gonna go check on Lucy," I said, turning to leave the guild.
"Thank you, Erza," Natsu replied, smiling. I smiled back at him, then left them to plan the attack on Lucifer. As I walked through the streets, heading to Lucy's apartment, a man dressed in council uniform came up to me.
"Morning, Miss," he said. "I believe you are a member of fairy tail?"
"Yes, I am," I replied. "What did Natsu do?"
"He did nothing wrong, miss," The man said.
"Do you know if someone by the name of 'Lucy Heartfilia' is currently here?"
My eyes widened, but I tried to hide it.
Are they still searching for her?
"No," I said firmly. "Lucy left four years ago. She still hasn't returned."
"Ah, I see." The council man said. "I'm sorry to hear that."
"Did she do something wrong?" I asked, faking my curiosity. I need to know why she's being targeted again.
"I'm afraid she did, Miss. She murdered many people."
I gasped, pretending to act surprised.
"Once again, I'm very sorry," he said to me. I watched as he walked away, and joined a few other guards across the street. I stared at Lucy's apartment, which wasn't far ahead.
Lucy! I thought, running towards it as fast as I could.

I arrived at her home. Luckily, it was just as we'd left it- not a chair overturned or a glass smashed. However, Lucy was gone.
Of course- they wouldn't have had to fight her. Lucy would have gone along, having no idea why.
"But they were still looking for her when I was on my way..." I muttered to myself. "Who else wants her?"
I nearly choked on my own breath as I realised. It would've been so easy...
I hurried out of the room as quickly as I could, almost tripping over a chair in the process.
I have to tell Natsu...anyone...
"Lucifer has Lucy again!"

-Lucy P.O.V-
I arrived at the entrance to a mansion. It was ginormous- practically the size of a town. There was a big metal plate nailed to one of the walls on the entrance. It read:


I read the words carefully.
Heartfilia...I thought. Is this house...mine?
I opened to gates slightly, and slipped through the gap. The front gardens were beautiful- hundreds of flowers covered the bushes with various plants surrounding them. There was a maid standing next to the entrance doors.
"Greetings...miss..." She muttered, bowing. She was smiling at me, but there were tears in the corners of her eyes.
Did she know me, before my memory...My thoughts trailed off into nothing.
"Do I know you?" I asked. She tensed up, her eyes even more watery.
"N-No, you don't," she replied. "Please follow me."

She led me through a maze of hallways. As she led me down another mysterious path, I noticed a picture on the wall. I stopped, and admired it. In the picture was me sitting down on a chair, Natsu standing behind me, and on my lap was the girl that Natsu said was my daughter.
We all looked so happy.
"Miss, please hurry," the maid said, pulling at my arm. "This is urgent."
"Y-yeah..." I muttered, still looking at the picture as I was dragged away.

I was brought into an office like room. As soon as I was inside, the maid bowed again, and left. Above me was dozens of bookshelves, all stacked to the top. At the end of the room sat a simple desk and chair, with a giant window behind it covering the whole wall. (A/N It's Jude's office XD) at the desk sat a man, sitting quite comfortably.
"Lucy," the man said. "Good to see you made it."
His voice...he was the one who was talking to me.
"Who are you?" I asked sternly.
"My name is Lucifer," he replied. "And it pains me that I am forgotten in your mind."
"You stole my memories, didn't you?!" I shouted. "Give them back!"
"Uh, this is no fun anymore. It's time to get serious," he muttered. Lucifer then raised his hand up, and memories began flooding into me. I could feel it- every moment in my life- everything that made me me...
I remembered fairy tail, and how they cared for me when I needed them...when I was lonely, I would visit the guild and someone, anyone, would be there to help.
I remembered my home, and all the maids that happily tended to all my needs. The cooks, who prepared such beautiful meals that made my mouth water every day. And Spetto, who would wake me up almost every morning, because I would always sleep in after being exhausted from the work I had done the day before.
And lastly, I remembered my family. I remembered Natsu, who would lay by my side when I couldn't sleep at night, and how I would watch Nashi play with her toys and pretend I was living in her imaginative world with her. I remembered coming down to breakfast every morning, and Natsu would be messing about with Nashi on the floor, but no one seemed to mind. I remembered my wedding day, and how we danced for hours and never got tired. The way it snowed but no one got cold. The way that somehow, every negative emotion didn't exist for that one day, just so we could share the happiness we felt with everyone.
The way Nashi and Natsu both slept with a smile on their face, because no matter what day laid ahead of them, they knew they would get through it.
The fact that I'd forgotten such beautiful memories made me cry on the spot.
"Their amazing, aren't they?" Lucifer said, as my tears streamed down my face. "Such amazing memories you've created..."
"They were mine," I whispered, through my tears. "You had no right to take them from me."
"Lucy, I had a right."
"Then tell me what that god damn right is!" I shouted angrily.
"Because it's time," he replied. His tone was much more serious. I looked up at him confused.
He stared deeply into my eyes, and smiled. "It's time...I tell you everything."
Sorry, I'm getting way too excited about this even though I'm writing it and I already know XD
Ok I still don't know why I write these even though I have nothing to say, but I know that there will be a possibility for a sequel, which will be about NASHIIII
Would you guys read that if I wrote it? It would be about Nashi like 12 years forward (so she would be fifteen) so...yeah.

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